starting from last sunday, we had our thanksgiving event at riverwalk!! and our drama team gave a most awesome performance! we sacrificed new year's day and many more hours just for that 10mins of drama but it was well worth the effort! thumbs up for the drama team! yay!

Omg, Sean & Shawn, don't step on poor Nathan!!! Loved Jirong's "Tag Heur"-ish pose, so everyone decided to pose along! Erika could well take over his place, lolx, she looks like she's all ready for a rock concert. haha.
Most Obedient Member (for those always willing to avail himself for God) - Lilian, but she was blocked!! Arh!
Luckily, i got a pic of her! Haha, she looks like a strict discipline mistress here! And aiyo, what was Jirong trying to do?! haha

And here we have the best CG & CGL!! Dwayne's cell & Dwaye the man himself :)
Most Evangelistic Members! N109 - Charmaine Tan!
And we celebrated Jasmine's Birthday! Hehe, her cake was super cute!! COokie Monster!
And, last but not least, i present you, our DRAMA TEAM!!! we rock :) and it was a blast!
Last Saturday - Yin Yee is FINALLY back!!
I also met up with yin yee last saturday, she's finally back from Korea after a semester!! Awww! So glad to see her back! She told me her many experiences in Korea and now, i wanna go to the land of kimchi and bibimbab too!!! lolx. I love Korea for their asethetic tastes, the way the shops and cafes over there are decorated are so intricately romantic that i could well my time away sipping to latte in pure bliss. I wouldn't mind going Korea for Grad Trip, since it's so cheap right now with the falling won :) And it's Yin yee's birthday today, Happy 22nd Birthday Er Zhi!!
Tuesday - Dinner with Lilian
I met lilian on tues for dinner, she treated me to Lai Lai Restaurant at JP. And we spent the time talking about God, it was really insightful and inspirational even though i haven't been the most Godly person but i feel more determined as a Christian to improve my spiritual life now than before. I am very blessed to have Lilian in our new cell, she is always willing to reach out and try to get closer to each one of us. Her love for God is evident in how she sacrifices her time to help out with the cell group stuff even though she is bogged down with work. i wish i could one day be as sacrificial as her especially with school resuming and work starting in September...
Wednesday - Mambo at Zouk & Clubbing at O Bar!
Met Addy,John & Raymond for dinner at Manhatten Fish Market. Order two platters, was full to to the brim, but John's mud pie was D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S! We all decided to kop abit cause it was too good to resist. The mud pie was oozing in chocolate goodness(haha, sounds like a phrase from some commercial ad).
The gang!
Gin Tonic tastes like Detergent!!! HAHA. Washed our mouths clean alright! Ewww. But it glows in the dark, quite cool, though it can't be seen in the pic for the simple reason that there was flash.

Eww, Jaysen!! Wth were you trying to do??!! You could have picked a better target! lolx. And the guy in the all white ensemble, i'm quite sure is gay! omg, he had eyebrows arched so high like that of a boomerang! Can u imagine? He looked like he was always in this seductive sluttish look... I have nothing against guys plucking eyebrows, but not when your eyebrows turn out like that of a girl! :S

John the man, taking over Mambo King's place.
The guys!

we decided that the mambo music was horrid and headed over to obar around 1.20am.
Steph & I felt quite guilty to let the guys pay 30bucks for an hour of clubbing at obar :S

We walked all the way from zouk to obar and took a shot at the bridge. Haha, i just realised John is striking a "model-ish" pose!...lolx, must be remnants from his China studio experience.
The music at Obar was R&B and it was good to jive to. At least it was worth the money...
I am soooo lousy at mambo, all the moves just don't make sense to me...Steph says its the company that makes the difference, if your friends like mambo, they'd be willing to try all sorta stupid moves and the fun would lie in being stupid and retarded while trying to follow all the moves. But i'm like a tortoise, i can't ever catch up!

Me & Steph left around 3+am, too damn shagged to continue dancing. The rest headed back to zouk for their free drinks, lolx.
Thursday - JC Gathering at Kelly & Sompong's place!
I went for a gathering with my JC Clique, we watched Dark Knight and played the "Citadel" card games and ate pizzas and all sorta tidbits! Kelly cooked pasta for us too! After which, we headed down to the basketball court to play the "Circle of Death" which is a drinking card game. it was quite funny cause we could make up rules along the game like "No one can say the word "You"" or "Everyone must speak Chinese" and etc. The one who breaks the rules will drink up along with other rules of the game. It's a good game to get everybody drunk. We finished up a bottle of Vodka & half a bottle of Chivas that night.
I was sooo sleepy halfway through that i fell asleep in Sompong's place. The rest continued playing while i woke up at intervals to see what was going on. The next thing i knew, i saw Jie Wei in the Kitchen vomitting and Kelly in Sompong's room dancing away to Mambo music, haha. We continued playing throughout the night, learning mambo moves from Angie, playing this scary game that Sompong introduced on By 5am, we lazed around on the couch and played HTHT (Heart-to-Heart-talk). Lolx, learned quite abit through the intimate session and some shocking revelation from Timo that he didn't tell us for 5 years!!
We left Sompong's place around 9am the next day and went to Mac Donald's to accompany Timo. When i got home, i was pretty tired and badly in need of sleep.

John the man, taking over Mambo King's place.
The guys!

we decided that the mambo music was horrid and headed over to obar around 1.20am.
Steph & I felt quite guilty to let the guys pay 30bucks for an hour of clubbing at obar :S

We walked all the way from zouk to obar and took a shot at the bridge. Haha, i just realised John is striking a "model-ish" pose!...lolx, must be remnants from his China studio experience.
The music at Obar was R&B and it was good to jive to. At least it was worth the money...
I am soooo lousy at mambo, all the moves just don't make sense to me...Steph says its the company that makes the difference, if your friends like mambo, they'd be willing to try all sorta stupid moves and the fun would lie in being stupid and retarded while trying to follow all the moves. But i'm like a tortoise, i can't ever catch up!

Me & Steph left around 3+am, too damn shagged to continue dancing. The rest headed back to zouk for their free drinks, lolx.
Thursday - JC Gathering at Kelly & Sompong's place!
I went for a gathering with my JC Clique, we watched Dark Knight and played the "Citadel" card games and ate pizzas and all sorta tidbits! Kelly cooked pasta for us too! After which, we headed down to the basketball court to play the "Circle of Death" which is a drinking card game. it was quite funny cause we could make up rules along the game like "No one can say the word "You"" or "Everyone must speak Chinese" and etc. The one who breaks the rules will drink up along with other rules of the game. It's a good game to get everybody drunk. We finished up a bottle of Vodka & half a bottle of Chivas that night.
I was sooo sleepy halfway through that i fell asleep in Sompong's place. The rest continued playing while i woke up at intervals to see what was going on. The next thing i knew, i saw Jie Wei in the Kitchen vomitting and Kelly in Sompong's room dancing away to Mambo music, haha. We continued playing throughout the night, learning mambo moves from Angie, playing this scary game that Sompong introduced on By 5am, we lazed around on the couch and played HTHT (Heart-to-Heart-talk). Lolx, learned quite abit through the intimate session and some shocking revelation from Timo that he didn't tell us for 5 years!!
We left Sompong's place around 9am the next day and went to Mac Donald's to accompany Timo. When i got home, i was pretty tired and badly in need of sleep.
Playing Citadel and chilling out at Kelly's place!

Saturday(which is today) - Boon Kiat & Pauline's Wedding at CHC JW
Congatulations to both!! They are really compatible and i wish them many happy years ahead and a lifetime of companionship and love and bliss! Shall blog about it more when i upload the pics from my camera!
Pastor YK ministering the wedding ceremony at CHC. Pauline's dress is soooo gorgeous! aww! there's like green ribbons attached to the train, lovely!