Sunday, May 18, 2008

i have nothing better to do so i'm gonna cam-whore with my webcam and post random pictures and basically just some ramble on about mundane, not-so-interesting stuff and some mildly interesting things and well, anything that comes to my mind, anything that goes.

first off, see that jeep on the upper left, that's my dream car!! Well...not really, i want a volkswaagen beetle but that jeep's got the whole rustic, vintage, ruggedy look which i absolutely adore. i saw it at the Farmer's Market in Fredericton while we were going down to get our regulars (pork sticks, samosas and fried wantons...yum yum). Hmm, but i would seem pretty tiny in it, wouldn't i? you'll probably only see my head...not good.

And i've been wanting to blog about this since aeons ago but i never really got to it because i'm such a lazy bum. Anyyway, in the top picture lies the most good looking ABC, or in this case CBK, i have met during my exchange in Canada. Let me introduce you to Mr McDreamy(*drools*)...the guy in black standing beside the guy wearing red. Well, this picture is sooo blur, you probably can't get a good glimpse of him, i do have another shot of him but he looks ugly in that picture, so in order not to ruin my impression of him and yours too, this picture will suffice because i say so. Lolx. He's korean by the way with a charming canadian accent, sighs~ But for the life of me i just can't remember his name so we'll just call him "VERY GOOD-LOOKING KOREAN"...not very innovative, but whatever. I was attending this chinese speech competition and the people in the picture are the winners of the different categories, my friend who's a canadian born chinese took part but didn't win. The guy in the brown blazer and yellow tee was really cheeky with his speech, while most people stuck to talking about their travelling experience, their life, he introduced himself as though he was in some dating agency...i vaguely remebered what he said...

He said "Wo Jing Nian 18 shui, Wo Meh You Nu Peng You, Wo De Tian Hua Hao Ma Shi 2333467817 (not his actual number, duh, i can't be bothered to remember, he's not Very Good-Looking Korean), Wo Shi Huan Tiao Wu He Jiu (he likes to dance and drink), Wo Meh Ge Bai Shi Wan Shang, Bai Wu Wan Shang, Bai Liu Wan Shang Qu He Jiu Tiao Wu. (he goes dancing and drinking every thursday, friday, saturday)"

Whaddya think? Interested in dating him?? Lolx, you better be able to take your alcohol well cause this guy's got the word "ALCOHOLIC" written all over him...he's rather good-looking in a play boy kinda way plus you'll get a very cushy beer belly to go along. Buy one get one free.





PICTURE POST (TORONTO!!) --> I managed to spend a day there before heading back to Singapore

I felt as though i was at the top of the world when i stood on the world's tallest building, the CN Tower... looking down, i could see the city's landscape right at the bottom of my feet, it's such an amazing sight! Apparantly, the glass floor can hold up to 12 full-sized hippos, meaning kids could jump around just for kicks, i wouldn't try it though, especially considering the amount of bad karma i've been experiencing lately, i would not be surprised if the glass floor cracks under my weight, and honestly, falling from that height would not be very pretty...
I also went to chinatown, the chinese population there is simply astounding!! There's soooo many chinese, i felt like i was in a mini hongkong! I think toronto is probably one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world, or at least the foreign city outside of asia with the largest asian population. I don't understand why people would choose to migrate to Canada though, the weather is simply intolerable and everything is pricey. Speaking of which i went to Eaton Shopping Centre and strolled the streets of Dundas and Yonge, which are lined with shops such as F21, American Apparel, Urban Outfitters and etc.