Pre-Xmas Steamboat Party with JC clique!!

we had a steamboat party at my place yesterday! we bought tons and tons of food and yesterday was my first attempt at cooking rice!! hurhur, super embarrassing, i didn't know how much water or rice to put in and i had to call myrna to ask. :S in the end, i put like 2 cups of rice and later realised that was only enough to feed 4 people!! *faints* and i thought i added too much water cause the rice turned out a tad sticky...i was quite hesitant whether or not to throw it away. I only realised later on that it was Japanese rice, -_-" luckily i didn't waste the 2 cups of rice.
I also prepared the broth beforehand using chicken bones and chicken stock. Lolx, felt like a chef for once. Actually, that was one of my ambitions aside from ermmm.....air stewardess, doctor, nurse, fashion designer, fashion stylist, artist(as in those that draw, not the Mediacorp kinda artist), social worker, journalist, business woman and mortician (haha, for a very brief moment)...man, i had quite a vivid imagination i realise.

Oei! myrna, angie stop cam whoring! go do some work!!

haha, yay! finally doing some work! haha,nah, myrna was very very helpful, she helped to prepare the dishes and helped me do the washing up too! Thanks dearie!

we're all cosing up on the couch and watching "mama" show as Sompong fondly calls the 9pm ou xuan drama. And what the heck is sompong doing???!!

Timo, the aspiring Nigel Barker cum Ms Jay, lolx.

Timo, Angie & Yan Ping!

We are a buncha cam whores and i'm all ready with the wine opener in my hand! Kelly brought white wine & Angie brought Choya!

Sompong, the aspiring err...sumo?? lolx. My mum was commenting after they left, "Who's that tall, handsome guy arh? very handsome leh..." omg. i think aunties tend to like Sompong. hahaha.

Jie wei & Marcus acting shy. And look at Timo's FIERCE pose!! He's practising for his "runway auditions"! Our very own Ms Jay! Damn "fierce" right? hahaha.
We watched the "My Hope" video that night and it was quite touching. It's about an ex-convict who was very rebellious during his younger days and had been in and out of prison several times. He came to know of God while being warded and after several incidents, decided to accept Christ into his life. I felt that it was appropriate for unbelievers in the sense that it was realistic. The man didn't accept Christ the first time he came to know of Him(when he challenged the power of Christ by praying for 13 days in a row and was miraculously, released from maximum security), he was very stubborn and refused to acknowledge the existence of a greater power. It was only after several incidents that he had no choice but to believe that He does exist. I think alot of people would go through the same experience in their journey to receiving the Lord. Not as in being detained in prison (obviously) but as in, only accepting Christ after a few encounters.
After the video, Kelly and Myrna shared their testimonials and Myrna & I performed a church song to the rest. I think the whole night went quite well in such a way that no one interrupted the video, the testimonies. Everyone was quite receptive. And for that I am thankful. We then headed down to the swimming pool side for gift exchange :)

They then surpised me with a birthday cake and a CK black office bag!! Awww! I was super touched! Actually, I did suspect that they might celebrate my birthday when i saw a tiny cake in my fridge during dinner and when Myrna had suddenly asked me, out-of-the-blue, during our daiso trip, "So you havent gotten a office bag for EY yet huh?" lolx. i was wondering what a weird question and got a bit suspicious but i didn't say anything. haha. I really like the bag, it's classy and simple. Definitely something i would carry for work and it doesn't hurt that it's CK!! The designer is well-known for it's simple, clean-cut designs. :)
And then it was GIFT EXCHANGE time!!!! Yay!!

We got to pick our gifts for gifts exchange before the guys. It was through drawing of lots and i received a very nice xmas mug and an....errr....eyeball from yan ping. so typical of her. haha. yan ping is always doing crazy stuff!!
My JC clique and I hung out by the poolside till around 3am talking about all sorts of things, e.g. Timo's many gay encounters in army, lolx, and we were witnesses to a very very drank girl and a uncensored scene of a young man changing out of his boxers. *gasp*

I know i've probably said that i've loved countless of people before(and you're probably sick of it too), but i do love my JC clique! haha. JC days will always be one of my happiest days (other than university), 04s63 was such a fun buncha people and we were all very close-knitted. There was a class spirit that many people might never get to experience in their whole schooling life. And i'm thankful to God for bringing these people in to my life. :)