Kota Kinabalu :)
for the long national day weekend!
my fave uni peeps
searching hi and low for places to eat...
while i slack...haha.
finally...lunch time, mee goreng :)
kota kinabalu located in sabah is really a small town with little more than 4 shopping complexes. if you are adventurous, i definitely recommend hiking up Mt Kinabalu. It is kind of pricey at abt 1200+ RM but it lasts 2 days 1 night with accomodation and guide paid for. the view from above is also spectacular and worth the money.
however being completely broke now...
we didn't climb the mountain...
instead, the highliht of the trip was white water rafting along Padas River.
it's a river with 2-4 level white rapids, with level 4 being the fierciest rapids.
head hunter, washing machine, cobra are just some of the names of level 3-4 rapids.
the entire whole white water raft tour lasted from 8am - 8pm at night (inclusive of lunch and transport).
it was really fun and the fear that the white water raft might overturn at the rapids made it that much more exciting.
luckily, we had 2 strong paddlers in front, Wp and a Hong Kong-er called Pong who does leisure dragon boating. the front men have the toughest job as they have to keep paddling, especially in the rapids as the moment you stop, the rapids would surely take you in. but boy, was it fun. and as usual, the angmohs were the first to dive in for a swim in the river. the rest slowly joined in :)
the river is brown in colour btw, mud water. it's not as dirty as it looks though, but beware of crocs which are said to lurk the river.
Island of Mamutek
headed down by speedboat for some snorkelling.
as we approached the island, i could tell the sea was really green and beautiful...snorkelling would surely be good here.
however, not knowing how unlucky i can get...
we played monopoly deal and slacked on the beach for about 2 hours and by the time we went into the sea...
we were "pleasantly" greeted with the coast guard putting up a sign "NO SWIMMING OR DIVING DURING LOW TIDES"
wth. i nearly killed myself.
my highly anticipated snorkelling went down the dumpster and i was even more heartbroken when we saw nemos and beautiful fishes swimming in the sea!!!