Saturday, September 4, 2010



i've joined this ministry for a short 2 months and i think the few times i went down to cdc, i really felt that little sense of gratification from the little things that the patients do/say and i look forward to serving more in this area.

it may not be as glamorous as chc choir/children's church/drama team but as giselle said and i couldn't agree more is that the people who serve in firsthand want to impact lives by giving back to the community, to give comfort to people who most need it, to show support to those who may be ostracized from society. of course that is not to say that the other ministries are not meaningful. some people join ministries so that they can contribute what they are best at. for me, it would have been a most natural choice to choose choir as i love singing and music to me is life. and i believe that is something which i am good at and choir would be where i can contribute the best of my abilities. but at this point in time, for me, i want to learn how to care for others, i want to do something where i can touch lives in a more personal way. I may not be the best at providing care/support but i want to learn.

and that is why i joined this ministry...

and it cetainly has been a good few weeks of memorable instances...

instance #1:

on the very first ward visitation, i met this old man and we started talking to him, asking him simple conversational questions while Song gave him a foot massage after convincing him that the oilment was not the "hot" type. we could tell that he was glad that he had someone to simply talk to and he was very appreciative of us. by the time it was time for us to go, he said in chinese,

"thank you very much for volunteering, you all are good people"

it was a simple sentence of gratitude but i already felt uplifted.

instance #2:

i met Mr K who was a bearer and has been in the ward for a good 1+ months. he shared with us his life, his family, what he does in his free time and because sometimes he gets bored being coped up alone in his ward, he often goes over to the other wards to talk to the other patients. he is a friendly man who unfortunately has a growth on his lungs...the doctor said he only has 50% chances of success if he goes for op...sometimes you hear things like that, and you don't know what else to say because if you place yourself in his position...what would it feel like to know that you only have 50% chance of survival...i wouldn't...

sometimes he would share with us how the doctors constantly have to draw blood to check on their healths and according to him, they draw blood everyday, sometimes up to 3 bottles. as a result, he needs blood tranfusion cause of low blood count.

and so the first time we paid a visit to him, we had a good talk together with another patient. the next time i returned, which was a good 2 weeks later, he still remembered me :) i was very happy and contented because it is always nice to know that people remember the little things that you do for them.

instance #3:

there is this old patient who is half paralysed and has been in the hospital for months. some of the volunteers wanted to read him bible versus as he is also a christian. however this patient did not look too interested at the start. Jack, a volunteer, then came up with the brilliant plan to act out the bible story and hence they put up a mini "adam & eve" drama. the patient was rather entertained by our hilarious gimmicks.


love them.

and we learnt something shocking that day...


apparantly one of them recently started dating the bro of another.

what a small world.