today we went to uncle Wai Kwong's house.
he and his wife were very hospitable and warm. they had invited a buncha phd students from NUS to their house to celebrate new year.
and their house is HUGE and the landscape was done up in a bali style. guess all that's possible when you're the VP of SGX.
even though he may be such a big shot and all, he definitely does not have any airs. very down to earth man who loves God. it was really inspiring having heard his little speech during the gathering.
he mentioned about the 3Ms in life:
1. Mission
2. Mate
3. Master (3rd being the highest in priority)
1. He mentioned that we should find something that we are passionate about and what we are naturally good at. And work towards it. We should not seek a job just because it pays well. When we do something that we are passionate about, we will do well and have a more purposeful life.
even if we make wrong career paths in life, there's always a chance to change careers midway.
2. Choosing the right mate in life. He mentioned that having said that we can change careers, however once we choose the wrong partner, we will suffer for life so choose wisely. And the phrase that i felt was most impactful was when he said...
"When looking for the right person to marry, choose the one that you cannot live without and not the one you think you can live with"
that is so true. hopefully i get to meet that special someone whom i can't live life without too.
3. Master. Whether you want to believe in Jesus Christ anot, intuitively all of us know that there is a God, whether your god starts with a capital G or a small letter. People are motivated by different purposes, but everyone derives motivation from something/someone. at the age of sixteen, he chose to put his faith in the one true God above - our father almighty and ruler of the Earth. and he has been blessed throughout his life.
met alot of distinguished people too such as michael, a renowned neuroscientist who is one of the best in his field and also met one of the founding principals of acjc,lol. the bookprice my brother received previously was actually from that man, apparantly some walkway is named after him as well. i can't quite remember his name now though :S
also got to know a lot of other phd students, professors, etc. it was quite an eye opener to see so many successful people.
wish i could be as successful in life too!