Saturday, February 5, 2011

Happy Rabbity Chinese New Year to all ya folks!!

my mum got a good laugh after seeing us put on the geek specs.


fyi. i DID NOT wear the beret nor the specs to my relatives place. it would have been tooo weird.

this is purely for cam-whoring sake.

i had a "cave man hair" day.

with sis & cousin. she looks sooo korean-ish. nice!


one of my fave baby nephews (maternal side of the family), BENJAMIN.

sooooo cuteeee, he gets all excited when i start playing the piano.

he loves wiping the floor with his "chou chou" (pillow)

doesn't he look like a lil' mouse?? awww, i love him so, so much!!

this was taken at my dad's bro's house.

Bro, sis and i were playing "hamburger, fries, coffee?" with Sebastian (nephew on the paternal side of the family) for like an hour??? haha. retarded games just to see the baby smile.

my daddy and super-duper smart lil' bro.

yes. he is crazy tall.

i hate it how i'm the oldest but i'm the shortest in the family.

went to my aunt's place on the 2nd day of cny. and guess who i saw...Patricia Mok, cause she's a good friend of my aunt. She came to celebrate cny together with us.

and this cny...believe it or not, is the first time ever that i've gambled with money.

i felt so bad even if the money i bet was only 1 buck (okay, call me cheap skate/stingy, anything you deem fit).

i don't get why people would ever leave their hard-earned money to a game of chance.

but it was...i guess important that i learnt how ppl play "ban luck" aka black jack with money...otherwise i'd forever remain as the shua gu person.

and honestly speaking, i think i probably was, considering i was the only one unfamiliar with all the rules. even those younger than me knew the rules of the game! faints.

i think i'd rather stick to monopoly deal. haha. at least no real money is involved. and i think i'm quite pro at it too.

damn. what a noob.


tried learning the chorus to wedding dress but i realised the video quality is crap and lagging and cause i do not know how to edit videos or fix them for that matter, this video is crappy but since it took time to upload, i decided to just post it.

pardon the bad piano ending. i was lazy to play another time.

did another video recording of a piano (instead of the previous keyboard) version. it's only the chorus with errors here and there but it'd take forever for me to perfect it so yar, when i'm done learning the entire song ( if ever), i'll upload the rest.

yes. i know i had a spastic expression towards the end of the video :S


on a side note:
i just walked from bukit timah hill all the way to mac ritchie reservoir today!!!
bet you didn't know the two places were linked!
all together, including climbing bukit timah hill and walking the whole of mac ritchie (probably a total of about 20-30km), it took about 6 bloody long hours.
and the reward?
2 pretty bruises on my 2 darn ankles.
hate high cut trekking boots.
i am sooo not looking forward to the next training session :S