love this song.
recently got back to reading the bible.
it feels like a long while since i've read His word, felt His presence. Only after sitting down for an hour to read the bible did i realize i've really been neglecting my walk with God.
i want to make it a habit to always build on my relationship with the almighty Father in heaven and not just seek His word and His grace in times of sorrow and need. It is very convenient to fall upon God when you have no where to turn to and everything just seems to be against you.
However, in my opinion, the ultimate test of whether your relationship with God is genuine is when you never fail to praise, to worship and to pray during the good times as well.
God looks beyond our words and religious activities to see if our conduct backs up what we say, and he judges our words by the actions that accompany them.
when you love someone, you'll take time out every day to spend time with the person. don't just say you love them, back it up through your actions. Likewise, when you say you love the Lord, you'll be willing to fork out a portion of your time to just talk to Him.
I don't think i've been a good Christian in that sense...8years of being in church, sometimes i feel like church has become a weekly religious routine to me and on days when i'm not in cell group or in service, i find it difficult to do my quiet job, my life seems to take over the one thing that i should place utmost importance on.
Lord, i want to go back to when it all first began, to the younger days when the fervency to serve, to know You was so great.
i gotta get back to building on my prayer life.