Thursday, January 5, 2012

Merry Christmas 2011

at spruce with my fave primary school mate, Beatrice :)

this quaint little cafe sits along chatsworth road and is an absolute star find from myladyironchef (the most dependable singapore food blog in my opinion).

the atmosphere of the place resembles that of Dempsey Hill but much less commercialized and less crowded, which is a bonus :)

this steak egg benedict thingie was in one word...


i normally never eat steak if i were given the choice but i decided that one day to try out a steak dish since it did look like the best egg benedict on the menu.

to my surprise, i liked the dish...or actually, LOVED it 

salivate at the thought of it now, lol.

pretty beat :D

she's been my friend for...*gasp*...15 years and counting!!!

how we've all grown up!

hmm, should try to dig up some photos from back when we were wee lil' kids hanging around Bukit Batok, hogging the swings at the playground, playing on the school bus, ogling at neighborhood boys (lol, remember the days when chia ler was obsessed with this particular boy living near Beat, we would stalk him around the neighbourhood, i never understood why the craze over him but i simply tagged along cause it was so amusing. it was funny what we did as little kids >.<).

Thanksgiving cell group meeting with N109 on 30.12.2011

haha, done up by the little ones of the Cg. so cute with the stockings :)

and boy, did we have tons and tons of food that day!

just look at some (not all) the dishes below...

shephard's pie done by Char's mum :) they have been very good host, always providing us refreshments and good food after every cell group session. Really wana give thanks to them for opening up their house for our CGMs ever fri and faithfully blessing us with refreshments and good food each and every time. There is absolutely no obligations to provide us with anything yet they have always been so generous and kind to our cell group. N109 is truly blessed by them :)

the star shaped tamago is the cutest sushi i've seen :)

group shot before tucking into the great spread of food on the table!

gift exchange

Wendy --> most transformed cell group member

indeed am very proud of this little girl. 

the first time she came into Cg, she was completely disinterested in anything that was preached or even the praise/worship and she used to speak more crudely before. However, over the past year, you can tell that she's changed so much....faithfully attending cell group, quoting bible verses occasionally, praising & worshipping God excitedly too. She has also over the year became more mindful of what she says and controlling the urge to swear in times of frustration. Truly, God is good!

so much red colored clothing...looks almost like chinese new year already, haha.

Dan, best cell group member and Mr Darlie or as Lilian puts it, "best husband material".

Indeed, Dan is truly a man of God, faithfully serving our cell group and always being very considerate and gentlemanly in his mannerisms.

Char --> miss honey stars "best wife material" :D

another cell group member who has so faithfully served our cell group, helping lilian with the birthday cards and presents.

and also opening up her house to us for cell group sessions.

thanks charmaine!

a great end to the year 2011.

my thoughts on the year 2011?

i want to give thanks for mainly 3 things:-

1. the amazing change in mummy's lifestyle because of her new found hobby. i had never imagined this could ever happen. 
the other day, she gave me a hug...took me by surprise cause she never does that...ever.
i was so surprised i told her to stop hugging me cause i'm not used to it. lol.
what a horrible daughter >.<

2. Leonard. I will stop short of gushing about everything good about him here. But i just want to thank him for being the most amazing bf and for accepting me with all my flaws and inadequacies. It's been six months and I have never felt more fortunate. 

3. God's grace in my life. every day that i still stand, alive and healthy, i wana thank God. Thank You for providing a roof over my head, a family that loves me, a life filled with more ups than downs. i think i am very blessed and without the You, all these would not have been possible.