Hey guys, I've finally gotten down to starting my travelling blog! Yay! So now u'll get to hear about all my travelling exploits, and yes, i'll post plenty of pictures so u not only get to read about it, you'll actually get to see the places i visted as well :)
This is so exciting! Okay, first up, i went to japan from the 26th of dec to the 31st of dec. It was an amazing experience. I got to stay at bee's jap teacher's mother-in-law's house(complicated huh?lolx) which is slightly out of tokyo bt still very convenient because it's near to the train station. The train network in japan is seriously the most comliplicated piece of work i've ever seen, in singapore, u only get the green, red and purple line(pardon me, i forgt what lines they're called alr, haha). In japan, there's sooooo many lines, it looks like tiny capillaries criss-crossing one another, and i'm not even kidding. At the shinjuku station, there's like 14 platforms, and even if u got the platform right, you have to be careful not to take the wrong train cause on the same track, the train may go to different destinations so you really gotta check, check, check the board the the train timing. I heard it's possibly the most complicated train station in the world.
And there's soooo many people in japan, it's always busy busy busy. They're always rushing here and there, even if you're taking a picture, they wouldn't even bother to stop to let you take a good shot. Thank goodness i still managed to take some good shots of the lovely city.
First picture shows 2 elderly women, the one on the extreme left is o-ka-san(meaning mother, well, that's what bee calls her so i just followed) and the other women is her friend. O-ka-san is the mother-in-law of bee's teacher. She was really really nice to us throughout our whole stay there and she was also very generous, always giving us treats. The first day we arrived, she treated us to this really really expensive jap restaurant serving authentic sashmi and exquisite jap stuff(though i didn't know what the heck i was eating but it was delcious nonetheless). It was fine dining jap style. And we also had shabu shabu there which is basically beef soaked steambost style and then dipped in walnut sauce, yum yum, it was really good. Anw, this is totally out of point, but o-ka-san's house was big compared to the tiny apartments u typically c in tokyo city. I loved the house cause it was made completely out of wood and had the cosiest living room and kitchen. I wana retire in a tiny wooden house in japan when i grow old, well, if i had the money that is.
And in the second picture, u can see...it's kinda obvious right? I went to the most amazing place of all time, disneyland! It really is a land of magic and dreams and yes, a place where u give money away in a daze and end up with so many mickey souvenirs that u have no idea who to give to. Back to disney again, it had the most amazing rides since well, disneyworld in florida, lolx. The technology in japan is so fantastic, i went to watch a 3d movie about the movie "i shrunk the kids"(rememer the show?). It was so real and when they showed little mices crawling all over the big screen, u really felt them tingling at your legs which freaked me out for a second or 2. haha. But u've really got to see it to believe it. Every single ride i took was amazing and i've gotta give them 5 thumbs up for their fantastic digital effects. Everything in japan is so advanced, most of their toilet bowls are also so advanced, there's like a series of complicated buttons fwith options for you to spray water up your ass, to heat up the toilet bowl so your butt doesn't freeze up and so on. And practically all the taps and soap dispenser and automatic.
Okay, i'm tired of typing for now, will update again when i have more time, haha, toodles and do check back to hear more about the land of harajuku and crazy fashion.