It's the second day of new year now, something really weird happened just now, lolx. I was walking towards the Head Hall(where the movie was showing) and I was minding my own business, desperate to get to the nearest shelter so i could hide from the blistering cold when this caucasian guy walked past me. I was walking with my head bent down, my cape up and my hands in my pocket when he suddenly turned around and said "You're very pretty by the way". I was stunned, flattered of course...but stunned. I muttered a thank you which he probably didn't hear and just stood there like an idiot, staring back at him. I didn't really get a good look at his face though, so i can't tell if he was good looking. If he was, i might just pounce on him. That sure would frighten him off, lolx.
Anyway, today was a pretty amazing night, i admired the snow for the first time i came here, as in really stood and stared at the snow falling against the glistening pile of snow already forming mountains on the campus. It was really, really beautiful for once. Since i've arrived here for a month now, i don't think i ever felt that good about all the snow but i guess it is pretty amazing, i think i will definitely miss having snow. It's so pretty, like little buds falling softly and slowly onto the palms of your hands and the snow around glisters like crystals under the orange shades of the lamps. I love this place.
Oh, i was supposed to continue about my boston trip but i just got to blog about the movie and this sudden feeling of liberation, amazement and pure gratitude that i am having this chance to come to a different side of the world and witness amazing things like this. And of course, thank you sooo much to Jessie, Elaine, Beatrice for sending the parcel of new year goodies to me! I have almost eaten more than half of it already, THAT'S how much I craved for new year goodies! Thank you for the prawn rolls, the pineapple tarts, the bak gua, the pistachios, the miso soup, the meiji chocs, the calibee crisps, the mashed potatos, the fruittips, the mama noodles!! That was alot alot of food! And it cost a bloody a lot of money too, I'm so grateful to you guys for spending so much money on me!! I love u guys so, so much! I think i'm like the luckiest girl alive to have such thoughtful friends like you all and when i received the parcel, i was almost in tears corz i was so touched! I kept boasting about the parcel i got, you guys are the BEST! I really think it's God's blessing that i managed to survive this far and i believe it was Him who brought you guysto me, I'm so thankful that i met wonderful wonderful people like ya all cause i wouldn't know what i would do without you guys! I've been so fortunate to be able to have parents who love me so much as to part with a large sum of money so i can go enjoy myself on the exchange and for having friends who stayed over at the airport to painfully draw me a beautiful poster and a notebook with photos(some really horrid memories of my ugly past, but still nostalgic nonetheless, haha) and friends who spend 80+ bucks to send me a parcel so i can enjoy new year in a foreign land. How great can anyone's life get! Honestly, all the money in the world could never make me give up my friends and family. Hmm, mayb johnny depp will do, lolx, kidding~ I hope you guys i doing well back home, as much as i love being overseas, a part of me also misses home, i miss being in the comfort of my home, my friends and all the chinese food. Haha, pardon my ostensive greed.

Oh, and i celebrated new year's eve at a taiwanese friend's house. We had potluck dinner, where my other friends brought diches of their own. There was korean egg rolls, spicy kimchi, tofu and mushroom soup, glutinous rice(like ba zhang), spicy cashew nuts with soy sauce, sweet and sour fish, and radish. All really yummy, it was a mini asian cuisine. Me and Bee brought apples and two jars of ice-cream, Ben & Jerry's Vanilla ice-cream and Hagen Daz's Cookie Dough ice-cream. Yum yum, Hagen Daz was at sale for 5buck per pint at sobeys! Cheap! I almost wanted to forgt my asian manners and ask for the remaining ice-cream back. lolx. The 2 taiwanese people i met are currently taking they're PHD at St. Thomas and UNB, and the south korean woman is taking her PHD in Business at St. Thomas. They're really nice people. We then went to luvena's house to watch american idol auditions and the moment of truth(which is nice in a lame way). And her saudi arabian bf made us really nice strawberry slushie! They're soo nice, she gave us lotsa kettle chips too, i have like 6 packets now. Their apartment is so comfy and nice. Oh, luvena is a fellow Singaporean by the way!
Kk, i'll stop here corz i've been typing for long enough, I'll blog about my clubbing experience in Canada, my snow skiing and "falling-flat-on-the-face-super-embarrassing" experience and my hockey and bball tournament trip(i watched, not played, in case you haven't lready figured it out) when i get back, so cya!