29th Feb
- Head off for Quebec city at 2.15pm
- Took the Acadian bus down to Rivere Du Loop and transferred to Orleans Express to Quebec City
- Keaw, my hippie thai gf, made friends with a Canadian girl and a French man while smoking (i'm convinced now that smoking really is a social thing, there's like some connection between smokers i think, not that i actually wana try it, but it's just amazing...)
- Head off for Quebec city at 2.15pm
- Took the Acadian bus down to Rivere Du Loop and transferred to Orleans Express to Quebec City
- Keaw, my hippie thai gf, made friends with a Canadian girl and a French man while smoking (i'm convinced now that smoking really is a social thing, there's like some connection between smokers i think, not that i actually wana try it, but it's just amazing...)

Alev(the elephant lady with the incredible appettite)(left) & Meric(right)!

Keaw(left), Me(centre, duh?) & Bee(right)

- Learnt some French words from Vincent, the French man, and whaddaya know, he was good friends with jolene and ru xuan (ntu exchange students who were in unb the previous sem!), it's amazing how small the world is!

- Reached Quebec City at app. 11.20pm at night
- Met a Brazilian guy(really good looking Brazilian guy by the way, not as good-looking as the one working in the SUB at UNB but good enough) who was heading for hostelling international, which was near our hostel so we helped each other out and managed to find our way to the hostels with the help of a French guy who came out of his house to assist us ( i think we were making so much noise, he probably just wanted us to get along on our ways and stop casuing such a nusiance in the neighbourhood, lol)
- Checked into Auberge De La Paix (pronounced at Pee), it was a very cosy hostel and the room was small but good enough with 3 bunk beds, meaning 6 beds in total for 5 of us (Alev, Meric, Keaw, Bee and I)

1st March
- Inexplicably one of the most bizzare, extraordinary & amazing day of my entire life
- Keaw made friends again with another French man during a morning smoke outside & hooked up with him the very night(!!), talk about quick...not to mention the main complicating factor --> LANGUAGE BARRIER
- Adrian, the French guy, could barely speak English and needless to say, my gf Keaw could barely speak (no, cancel that, she has has absolutely no knowledge of) French
- They somehow found a connection, chemistry with each other through hand gestures and bits of english, talk about love overcoming all boundaries! Keaw said they even managed to talk about philosophy and evolution!! My first reaction was: ...........OMG....what kind of complicated gestures did they hafta use in order to talk about philosophy and evolution. I even have difficulty talking about it without the language barrier!
- And that was the start of her whole whirlwind, summer(or winter) romance. She was sooo mesmerized by him, she barely spent time with us the entire trip, she even stayed over at his place for the remaining trip! And not to mention doing it with a guy she barely knew for 2 days...not that it's very surprising corz it's Keaw, the typical hippie, free-spirited, independent girl who does whatever the hell she wants, has an ambition to visit scooter clubs all over the world and smokes weed (reminds me of mary-kate olsen actually) I think her life is probably really exciting but i don't think i'll ever be able to live life like her.
-As a bystander, i really felt like i was in some sorta movie, it was like a real-life enactment of "Before Sunset"(an independent movie about to foreigners meeting on a trip and finding a connection with each other through long conversations down the streets of paris(i think))

Keaw & Adrian
- We visited the Chanteau Frontenac, a magnificent hotel with a castle-like structure, it cost like 400+ bucks per night to stay there i think(!!) and we also went down to Laurier Quebec, the largest shopping centre in Eastern Canada(with 350 shops). Spent most of the time in the shopping centre because the weather was really bad outside, it was snowing like crazy and the wind was so friggin' strong, i nearly got blown off the pathway onto the road!
Streets of Quebec(so friggin colllldddd...)

-We went back to the hostel for a short while to take a rest and gossip about eye candies in UNB and Alec's hot crush and hot hockey players in school, lol, we had tons of fun taking zilian pictures in the hostel room( Alev hasn't sent me the pics yet so i can't post them up, lol, not that i will anyway cause they're private, haha) and we face-booked cute guys photos.
- And then at night it was time for nightlife in Montreal! Whee! We went to Dagonbert, the biggest club in Quebec City! It was 3 stories high, with different music on every level, the first level played alternative music, the 2nd played techno(which is the more popular choice of Westerners, don't ask me why corz it's the most disgusting music ever invented)
-The club was really good though, in terms of effects, lightings, i think it's far superior to that of Singapore. They had like large screens around to show the dance videos and like a gazillion number of disco lights and they had dry ice and foam! Super nice!
- This time round, i only had a coke vodka instead of the previous time where i had a dave matthews and barcardi frizz at nicky zees. But i had lotsa fun without the nausea and headaches.
And gosh, French guys are bloody hot! Haha, elephant lady(lol, my dear Alev's new nick) was attracted to this amazingly hot waitor. She spent her remaining time in the club trying to seduce him, haha. Me and Meric even went up to the DJ to request for Shakira's "Hips Don't Lie" so she could groove latin style to catch the waitor's eye! OMG, it was so funny, so both Alev and i were like dancing at the bars instead of the dancefloor cause she wanted to be more "visible". And, boy, did she dance Shakira style, it's too bad the waitor barely looked :( haha, i think he was more interested in the skinny bartender gal and it's probably company policy to get involved with customers.

Us and Virginie(the French gal in red) -- she stayed with us in the same hostel room so we invited her to dinner and the clubs
- We went back around 3am! And then we found Keaw in the room, she just returned from her date with Adrian, she tried accompanying us to the clubs but it was too awkward having a French guy around, so they left after having dinner with us.
- Okay, that's all for now, i'm tired and i can't remember what i did the next day, there's so much things to say, i can't blog about it all at once, lol. But the next day was fun too cause we went to one of the only 2 ice hotels in the world!