today elaine dearest came to visit me and gave me lotsa souvenoirs that she got from taiwan, she's so sweet, i love the anna sui-esque purse that she gave me, and it comes in my most fave colour of all - brown!! and she even, very generously, gave my sis another one in black colour, my sis was estatic and she used it immediately, she wanted me to say thanks again on her behalf, so...THANK YOU SOOO MUCH, ELAINE!!! HUGZ!! Thanks for showering us with so many presents!! But you'll probably not be able to see this, since you're going off to thailand for another vacation!! *envies*
thanks to jie sung, shelle and jess for coming to visit me too! You guys are so wonderful and you saved me from severe boredom!! Thanks for all the gossips and updates, i really appreciate you guys coming down :) I can't wait to see ya all tomorrow and for once, i'll be meeting you guys outside and not at home -_-" And then there's K! Grr, made me wait twice for him to come over and always end up postponing last minute!! *faints* Not gonna wait anymore...k lar, i'll give you some credit, the first time you were sick so i wouldn't want you to spread your germs and bacteria to me...but then you guys postponed a second time. And when u asked me if i'm free for dinner on thursday and i said "Ben Siao Jie not so free lor, i have appointment with my friends le", you said "yar, ben4 siao2 jie3, lolx" !!!!!!!!! Not farnie lor, irritant!!
and anyway, on to another topic, i was zilian-ing with my sis today, just before elaine came over. My sis happens to be the queen and master of zilian-ing, i've never seen anyone quite as zilian as her. Someone really should award her for self posing skills, everyone would lose hands down for sure. Almost every day she has some zilian photos to share...oh well, guess she's chio so it makes it more acceptable. And so with her zilian skills, her new dress that she's wearing and my new black jacket that i bought at centrepoint(and i absolutely love love love), we took a few photos inside the house and at the staircase outside the house (yar, that's how far the extent of our zilian-ing went).

Lately, i've been influenced by the Parisian style, lotsa layers with floral patterns, straight cuts mixed with soft patterns...too bad the only place i'm gona wear all my new clothes is HOME...argh, makes me so frustrated. Maybe i should take this time to pick up sewing and sew my own skirts since i've got nothing to do and rather than wasting my time away, i could learn something useful other than photoshop before my PA starts in june. Which i must say, i'm improving at(i'm referring to my photoshop skills, not PA), i'm pretty proud of myself. At least i finally did something that i've been procrastinating since forever....here are some of the stuff i did using photoshop (i'm not a pro yet, so don't expect too much):

Some are meant for blog headers and some are just wallpapers, except for the turqouise coloured wallpaper, the rest were just to try out the different brushes and techniques that i learnt through youtube(yupz, it's the bestest resource) and online manuals.
And then, for the very last bit of my blog entry today:

Well.... SHE happens to be a HE!!
OMG, i nearly fainted!