hey. i realised i haven't been blogging much lately. especially since it's recess brk! no excuses there. i had my wisdom tooth surgery. super ouchy. my mouth was swollen like a crazy golfball just grew out the right side of my mouth ( fyi i extracted the bottom right wisdom tooth). and that's after taking anti-swelling pills!
CAN U IMAGINE WHAT I WOULD LOOK LIKE IF I DIDN'T TAKE THE PILL???!! (okay, on second note, this sounds really wrong, i don't mean the pill as in THE pill, i mean the pill as in the pills, k, watever, u get what i mean)
A freaking
inflated puffer fish!
as if my face wasn't round and fat enough :s
i once told my hairdresser that my face looked like a mooncake corz it was soooo round. and she simply laughed it off. i would have appreciated some consolation there, like maybe "Haha, no lar, you're face is
not that round lar. i've seen rounder faces. don't be so self-deprecating." but no, i didn't get a word of comfort or reassurance, i just got a "
HAHahahaha".the nerve of that lady.
anyway, i went to malacca this recess break! it was a food-ful holiday trip! we practically ate 5-6 meals a day!!! it was crazy. like there was once, we could eat chicken rice balls, wu xiang for breakfast and half an hour later, we would head down to eat porridge!! omg. but i loved the satay thingie that we had on the first night! super D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S! we basically dipped whatever we wanted into the satay-like sauce. the boss was soo kind to even gave us generous portions of big fresh prawns, tiger prawn and abalone!! FOC!
wah. uncle must make a lot of money from his satay business! maybe i should start a satay business in singapore too! lolx, maybe i'll earn enough to drive a ferrari in 2-3years time! heck accounting. heck taxation. heck banks (not such a gd option given that all the investment banks are closing down).
satay is the way to go!

anyway, we stayed at ching seng's place, he was very nice to have offered his place for us to stay for the 4days that we were there! he brought us to eat lotsa stuff. malacca is also famous for its chendol. i'm not that much of a chendol person cause i don't like coconut milk that much (i like tutu kuei, i like bengawan solo kuei, but i don't like coconut in liquid form,
yes, i know,
i am a very fussy eater, so sue me).
But i must say
,the chendol in malacca is prettay good actually, the syrup isn't like singapore's, where they basically use some weird colouring liquid, malacca's chendol is thick brown and very very sweet, great for those with a sweet tooth!
man. i sound like a food blogger already. all i've been talking about is food.
rode on a ferris wheel,
sat on a pirate ship,
bicycled around malacca old town on a trishaw(okay, not exactly bicycled, the poor 65 year old trishaw-ist cycled while me and myrna sat back and relaxed, lolx) and that's when we saw ou xuan!! she was filming there!! haha, maybe we'll appear in the next drama that she's filming as the FOC calefare -_-"
Oh, oh! And i must bitch about the dirty old trishaw man, that one really lao ji kou pei! he has 2 wives, the first wife has 12 children and the other has like 4 children! a grand total of 16 children, the youngest being 1 years old!
AND the most amazing part is, his second wife is like 24yrs old la! that is
damn sick. i am okay with malays having more than one spouse, i understand that it's common and probably a culture for them, no arguments there. but come on la! 24 years old?!! she's young enough to be ur grand daughter!! and he still plans on getting a third wife! Then what?! 18years old??! *faints*
THE FERRIS WHEEL!!!! although it doesn't look like one here...hurhur. And there's the trishaw on the right hand pic, haha, look who's riding?! Yes. we decided to steal and ride off with
the ol' man's trishaw! muhahaha.

and cause it was just after mooncake festival, there were lanterns on display.and they were all sooo pretty and innovative! they were made of recyced materials, like
egg trays, glass bottles, plastic cups, can drinks and all sorts of everyday items! amazing. makes me wanna go all D.I.Y and make a toilet paper lantern for myself! now if only i could make it hold...
Picture post! Let the pictures do the talking...these were taken in some hotel there....

A'hem, lw acting all emo or L-ish from Death Note.

these were taken at gu chen aka old town, it's very portugese influenced as you can see from all the red buildings!

this is my fave pic of all the hundreds and thousands of photos we took (i'm exaggerating, no, not the part abt it being my fave pic, the part abt the hundreds and thousands of photo taken, duh!). there's just something nostalgic about red doors and it's with one of my fave person, MYRNA darling!

i was doing my best impersonation of the main character in Blood + anime!
RAWR!! damn scary looking indeed. kendo sword vs dagger, who will win??

and then at
W.I.N.D.S cafe - cafe for live music
(see below). awesome-ness. my kinda place.
i love places where i can just sit back, relax and listen to live acoustic sets. and the male singer was great and very soul-ful, i don't know what chinese song he sang though, my memory for all things chinese is very very limited. 11 years of learning chinese and you would have thought the education system would have enforced some cheena-ness in me and made me abit more proficient in the language...*sheepish*

....and that's me drinking the strawberry rhythm mocktail mix that was filled with strawberries(yum yum) but too sweet for even a sweet-toothed person like me! no wonder my smile looks a bit forced. haha.

yay!! my dream car, i like OLD cars, the older, the crankier, the better! best if all it's parts are falling off, it'd be so damn cool to ride it along the streets of Orchard Road. imagine all the weird stares i'll get. cool.
as for the picture on the right, super ghostly right? scared the hell outta me too. we look like zombies, outta some freaky "
28 weeks later" -ish movie.

the end.
that's cause blogspot is crapping out on me and it's too bloody slow, which is evidently pissing me off to the max. so that's the end of my entry on malacca.
on a side note, i finally got the UO MOTO JACKET that i've been deliberating on for the longest time!! Can't wait till they ship it over!
For a sneak peak

alexanda wang-ish. my latest designer obsession.
other than marc jacobs of course.