After going for all the talks and networking sessions, i feel a lil' more inspired to start applying for jobs too...start thinking of what to say during interviews, of what leadership roles i've taken and all. the thing is, and the most crucial point......i don't even know what i want to work as!! SO HOW DO I APPLY FOR A JOB WHEN I HAVE NO CLUE?!!
right now, i think i want to go into tax, but it's not certain, i think i like it so far but who know's if i'm suitable for the job of a tax specialist. am i being too restrictive to simply base everything on my previous internship? just cause i was in the tax department, i want to go back to doing tax. am i simply choosing the easy way out, the safer choice because i don't dare to try something else??
i feel that i am in a way seeking for the safest path. after being in uni for so long, i realise that there's so many more capable people out there and sometimes i just feel that i can't compete with them and i don't want to compete with them, i feel like i don't have the ability to apply for something BIGGER and more ambitious. maybe that's why i chose not to enter banks...argh. am i being an escapist??
anyway, i'm gonna do a 360degrees change in topic now. yar. anti-climax i know. hurhur.
gonna post pictures of my mami's birthday celebration ytd! I went to cdans to study with jade darling and after which i went to buy angie the choice durian ice-cream cake for my dear mami! My sis and I planned a tiny surprise for her.
I hid the cake in the freezer. Accidentally, leaving the box in the kitchen. And my dad had to spoil the whole surprise by asking very loudly, "Oei, who put this box here? why u all buy cake arhz?!"
My mum having heard him, walked into the kitchen, saw the box and asked, "why you all buy angie the choice?", she then opened the freezer and saw the cake and said, "Who's the cake for? Me arhz?"
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so furious la.
so i had to lie through my teeth... ...
"Aiya, no lar, who wanna buy for you cake? it's for my friend, don't touch!"
but then, i think she didn't believe me...she replied a while later, "So when can i eat my cake?"
so we celebrated before 12am, meaning it wasn't even officially her birthday yet -_-" all the result of my daddy's big mouth, my sis's impatience(she wanted to pass her gift to my mum) and my greediness( i wanted to eat the cake already, haha).