Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy 21st Birthday to Me!!!

hurhur, this is retarded. but i just wanna thank everyone for the sweet messages!You guys have impacted me in sooo many ways at different stages of my life and i wanna take this time to thank you all of you for the love, concern, joy, happiness and laughter you have showered me in. Though this year hasn't been the most smooth flowing, probably by far the worst year i had, but i'm glad at at the end of the day, life's regaining its normalcy. I love you all so much for being there for me through the good times and the bad and good luck and all the best for all your papers!! God bless!

and to jieshan and jess for the sweet bdae song!! Love you guys much!the best song i've heard this entire year! lolx, even though the music sounded vaguely like some chinese new year song, haha! lifted my spirits in the midst of horrible exams! And jieshan, thanks for the lovely birthday card! You're always the sweetest when it comes to making all these handmade stuff for our bdays! Toilet gang 4eva! You guys have been one of my longest and most treasured peeps, i'll never forget the many gatherings that we had, the very touching videos that you guys made for me before i left for exchange, the posters and just...welll....everything!

And i wanna thank myrna too for the belt, which i like alot! You have been such a wonderful influence in my life and i really feel that the presence of God is always with ya because i always feel the love that you have for all your friends around you just like how God would love all of us! Thank you soo much! *hugs*