i just got the most priciest gift i've EVER received in my entire life.
(well, other than the angbao i get for chinese new year, but that's different matter all together)
was really shocked when i first got it, my hands were literally shivering when i realised what it was. lolx. shan't say anything about it right now because i'll have to dedicate a long post on how amazing it is but and i gotta rush back to my company law notes now.! Thank you soooo much wp!! i am really touched by your sacrifice(not being able to get an oakleys for a mth in your case, lolx, but for me, i think i might hafta rob a bank :s) and spending so much on me despite 2 years of me being nasty to you and always saying no to watever you say.
And, btw, it really is very very good, i was so engrossed with it the entire day, i couldn't concentrate on my work! lolx. and yes, i guess it's true that i'll probably lose interest in the guitar if u got me one, this is sooo much more practical and definitely will be used for years and years to come!!
On another note, i love my lil' sister. period.
she is the most awesome person ever. she did a handmade picture frame for me that cost her a bomb, bought me a
gorgeous necklace which i will definitely wear and treated me to the Singapore Flyer!!! and all i got her for her bday was a NUM bag, lolx, which i didn't even pay in full. man. i am ashamed of myself :s Sarah!! I love you so, so much! I blessed you with a bag (partially) and what i got back was plentifold more.
even though i've been bogged down by exam stress and all, but i really feel very blessed and that i'm probably the luckiest person right now. it's not so much about the cost of the gifts, but about the thought and sincerity that goes along with it. i have yet to officially celebrate my birthday and i am already touched beyond words. I don't know what else to say except that i am very grateful and thankful for my friends, my family and all the things that they have done for me. and to God for having given me such a sheltered and fortunate life that i feel like i'm starting to take everything for granted.