(only to bkt panjang though, haha....but it's progress! Soon enough, maybe they'd let me drive to further places!)
it was such a nerve-wrecking experience though, i was sooo paranoid and extra careful while on the road.
Anyways, here's pictures from john's birthday celebration today at suntec! tand dian wang, or whatever the restaurant was called! it was good but pricey :s
my lovely, pretty gals! intelligent addy & sociable stef! & me in the middle, who is not quite so intelligent nor sociable, haha.

and the bday man himself! (ahem, who was an hr late! lolx, but i was late too, so i've no right to complain here)
i absolutely adore stef's polka dotted jacket!!! and john's dapper vest & tie ensemble! if i looked more androgynous, i might wear the exact same outfit ;)
and i need to get a new phone!!! my phone is half-spoilt and the batt is super crappy from years of charging! Samsung sgh-f480 here i come! NEW PHONE!! not too excited about the money though... ...