went for a movie marathon today, my first ever. lolx, never sat in in the movie theatre that long before, but it was nice having a break from studies! and i've been craving for a movie for ages :) watched Confessions of a Shopaholic & Knowing with A. won't do reviews but i agree that the ending of the knowing is -_-"""" otherwise it was good most of the time.

oh, i visited Tampines 1 yesterday with Lilian! and managed to get into Uniqlo without having to queue! whee! How? Cause Lilian has got "magic pass", hurhur! Uniqlo wasn't fantastic though, the clothes were mediocre and the prices are ex! i prefer the ones in Japan! But that being said, Tampines 1 was good, there's lotsa new stores that i've never seen before, definitely going to visit there again soon....when the crowd dies out that is....