I believe she went in peace and is now surrounded by the angels above.
She looked beautiful and at peace even as she lay in eternal sleep.
I love my ah ma and i will forever remember her kindness to all of us.
I remember her buying yakult for us when we were young,
I remember her taking care of my lil' bro when we went overseas,
I remember her praying for me when i met with the accident,
I remember her calling to ask if i've eaten breakfast/lunch/dinner,
I remember her delicious curry chicken & bee hoon,
I remember her smile,
I remember that she'll come to our hse whenever we needed her in "situations".
She will be dearly missed.
It really has been a long tiring few days for all of us, especially my relatives and mum. I pray Lord that you will rejuvenate us for the next few days of wake and give us the strength and energy to carry out our final duties.
I love my ah ma and i will forever remember her kindness to all of us.
I remember her buying yakult for us when we were young,
I remember her taking care of my lil' bro when we went overseas,
I remember her praying for me when i met with the accident,
I remember her calling to ask if i've eaten breakfast/lunch/dinner,
I remember her delicious curry chicken & bee hoon,
I remember her smile,
I remember that she'll come to our hse whenever we needed her in "situations".
She will be dearly missed.
It really has been a long tiring few days for all of us, especially my relatives and mum. I pray Lord that you will rejuvenate us for the next few days of wake and give us the strength and energy to carry out our final duties.
And i just wanna take this time to thank those who prayed for my ah ma, i do believe that ur prayers worked miracles because the doctor said she ony had a few hours to live but in the end, she managed to survive for more than 1+ day after you guys prayed. That was long enough for my aunts overseas to make it back in time to see her and for my uncle to call her to pay his last respects. She managed to hear from al her loved ones before she went.
She was immobile before you guys prayed but after your combined prayers, she moved not only her legs but her hands as well. it was truly a miracle.
Thank you.