was incredibly moody the entire day but i'm thankful that at the end of the day, i didn't hafta go home and mope myself to sleep...i greatly appreciate those who were there to comfort me that day. thank you for bearing my "back face"...thank you for the listening ears.
and today when i thought everything was gonna be fine, i lost my ez-link on the bus! really felt like a dark cloud just passed over my head and shot bolts of lightning directy at me...but God is good, He sends angels down to help you when you feel like you can't go on. This time it was in the form of my ID teacher. He was really nice and started showing me funny animation clips. And at the end of the lesson, he was super nice to draw out a map of how i could get a straight bus back from one of the busstops nearby rather than take the long train and bus route which i usually take back from my design school. He even walked me out to show the direction to walk and asked me if i had enough coins to take a bus. Even though i said i did, he immediatey thrusted a buncha coins into my hands. It was really alot and he didn't even bother to count them. I was really touched at the little gesture of kindness. I used to think he was a bit of a queer but now he is a v nice, queer but kind ol' man. lolx.
Recently, I've been inspired by someone to count my blessings. That if i record every miracle or blessing that God has brought into my life, i'd be able to look back during troubled times and see that God is faithful and kind and that He has blessed me in so many ways that i can have faith that whatever it is, He will lead me through. God is good :) No matter what problems i may face, He has always strengthened me to fight the circumstances. I feel like i'm starting to appreciate the litte things in life and become a much happier and free person.