zilian-ing on the SQ flight from Singapore to London... what a long, long flight! but thank God for SIA! i'm now an ardent fan of SQ...the service, the givenchy freebie pouch, the selection of movies, the food, oh my gosh...it was nothing short of PERFECT. SIA has definitely brought glory to Singapore. and yes, i'm doing free advertisement for Singapore Airlines here. *daydreams* Maybe some marketing executive from SIA might google upon my blog and spare me a bit of cash??

In london!! Finally! And boy, was it cold!! I was completely caught off guard, hardly brought any piece of winter wear along and gosh, i was freezing when i got there! Especially as we were lugging our luggage back to Ming Li's hostel at Camden town.

Top: Me and Addy! Love her to bits!

Left to right: Joanne,Addy & me at...errr, i can't quite remember the street name but i know it's a famous red carpet spot cause there's lotsa theatres in the vicinity! watching movies in london is NOT cheap. hmm...i wonder if the Brits are into dl-ing pirated movies??? And the second pic, well, just me posing on some random street, hurhur.

Top: Aww...don't Addy & Jon look so cute? haha, i made them take a pic together with their hoodie and beanie respectively!

Top: Pretty carriage that rode past us :)

Top: I think that's the Duke of Wellington right on top. He defeated Napoleon in the critical Battle of Waterloo and was made twice prime minister of Britain. He was nicknamed the "Iron Duke" because he used to erect iron shutters on the windows of his London Home, Apsley House, to protect himself against angry crowds. He, apparantly, believed in an authoritative and strong government which may have angered many people. However, at the time of his death, he was still given a state funeral because people came to respect him for his many critical victories.
But then again, you probably don't give a hoot about all this history crap, lol. oh well, just a little bit of history so at least when i can look back at pictures of London and it's amazing number of statues, i'll be able to recognise this horseman as the Duke of Wellington and not just some random man riding a black(i just assumed it was black cause the statue sure looks black) horse and that this man actually helped Britain win important battles and not just some statue commemorating a horse rearer and his horse stable men. okay. i'm rumbling. no offense to Brits and their national hero. i'm sure the Duke of Wellington had as much significance to London as Sir Stamford Raffles had to Singapore?

Top: Me,Yean Ching & Addy on our bus to Trafalgar Square. bus is the cheapest transport you can get in London, for 1eur per ride, i'd say it's dirt cheap compared to the tram rides!

top: there's 2 things i wanted to capture in this otherwise pointless shot. first, look at the mob of neon orange hair!! damn cool can! she was one of the tourist on our free guided tour around London city :) she was completely rocking the punk style with her hand sewn dragon(or was it a tiger, i can't quite remember) patterned coat. second, look at the old man running in just mere t-shirt and shorts! do u know how freaking cold it was?! the cool orange haired rock chic can testify to the cold, just look at her coat! wth, that is one bloody fit ol' man.

buckingham palace! and the changing of guards! the queen was in when we visited! woots! how'd we know?? look at the flag on top of the palace! when it's raised, it means the queen's home :) a pity the queen was not in the mood for a wave to the general crowd outside the buckingham palace that fine sunny morning. lol. changing of guards is quite a grand affair that occurs every day at exactly 11am in front of the buckingham palace! how grand is it? well, it's grand enough that it's so bloody long, complete with i-don't-even-wanna-know-how-many orchestra pieces by the military band. i have a recorded video of a portion of the ceremony but it's kind of a bore and i shan't bore you with it. i'm sure if you googled, you'd probably find videos of it on the Net. Power of Youtube!
okay, i'm done with blogging for now. will continue another day. pardon the crappy images. they don't do london any justice. it really is a pretty city, with way too much cctv. the government probably has more video shots of me than i have of myself! lol.
Below is a video of us at the buckingham palace! (Pardon my crapiness, i was too excited, hurhur, not about stalking the prince, nonono, i was excited about seeing the palace! duh!)