with my best nbs buddy, Addy!
with our accountancy moox2
with chris, our tax buddy.

with abigail

with gorgeous jy & jw

with jenna, my swiss classmate :) even though she studies in ntu, that was the only time i ever saw her in school! lol.
with shu xuan, another swiss classmate!
with kb & sporty yanni, fellow hall 16-ers!! kb was helping to take photographs & he kindly helped us take a few shots too!
with bubbly wy! she's super adorable, always laughing at every single thing! such a joy to have had her as my 306 group mate! even though she seems soooo slack (doesn't do tutorials most of the time), she's incredibly smart, i don't even know how she does it but she can study for such a short time and yet ace a subject. *envy*
with fellow hall16-ers again! genius SS, adventurous HT, sporty MJ & err...tiny me, lol.

with KH, my best buddy from hall! & PC, the VERY tall & funny chap.
with annabel :) & xinni!
all together now :)
with my fave vega girl, estelle!
with er zhi!! she recently had a knee op & has difficulty walking yet she still came to support me! i'm super duper touched!! & they bought a cushion for me too, knowing that my back problem would cause me to have aches more easily...they were really thoughtful :)
with anna, swiss classmate! & future auditor!
with myrna & yp & sarah! they came down after my convo :) thanks for coming down girls! i really appreciate it so much!
with jianwen!
with my most fave girls in the whole wide world :)
with my 2nd fave nbs person, Farrah the social butterfly!
and all the presents(except for the card from CG, which i haven't managed to take a photo of)! already thanked the people on fb, so i shan't do it here again. but just wanna let you all know that i really love the gifts & am very touched at all your efforts & just the simple act of coming down. it means so much to me. thanks!