the ever crazy duo - Yan Ping & Sarah
NUS grad gown is slightly purplish in colour, unlike ours, which is a darker shade of blue. used to think that pink and blue was a ugly combi, but i actually quite like sarah's convo gown! she was telling me that psych probably only had 1 first class honours...didn't know it was that difficult to get first class in psych. it's a complete opposite from nbs, which is probably swarming with too many first class honours :S
UCC on thurs - science fac
My childhood friend, Beat & her family! she came over this week to have my mum trim her hair for her, haha. it's amazing how much she trusted my mum to cut her hair where i, her own daughter, didn't have the faith. i haven't let my mum cut my hair since sec school because boy, was it disastrous. but seeing the results of the recent hair trim, i guess my mum did a pretty good job. haha. maybe next time i'll let her trim my hair too. then i'd be able to save $$$ on haircuts.
Congrats to all the graduating students (that includes me, haha)!! the future shines brightly for all of ya, best wishes!