let's just say i get to live in a world entirely made out of my imagination...

with the wind in my face, the petals drifting in the air & the air musked in the sweet aroma of the scent of roses (or poppies in this case).

with the wind in my face, the petals drifting in the air & the air musked in the sweet aroma of the scent of roses (or poppies in this case).
i'm ashamed to say that i like poppies. despite them being symbols of sleep and death. (bet you didn't know it's the state flower of California)
but that being said, i'm very BIG CITY GIRL.
there's only so much i can take of the countryside. before i strangle myself.
Hence, Tuscany shall remain but my holiday hideout. where the old world charms will give me peace & serenity. but my permenant home shall be in San Francisco.
...and my apartment will be such a mix-mash of colours, it'd look like it came straight from "Alice in Wonderland"
and the day will go by, just me sitting in my couch, reading a good book & sipping green tea. all cuddled up in a lover's embrace.
and LOVE will be like this...
[simply having someone who will hold your hand for the rest of your life]
What do i wanna do when i'm 60, balding & barely walking?
What do i wanna do when i'm 60, balding & barely walking?
i just want to ride a bicycle through a field of flowers with my 60 year old, balding & toothless partner.