Monday, September 21, 2009

one of my fave gang in NTU

Hall 16 peeps gathering at MOF -Suntec! (as you can see from the pic, the bunch of guys were all covering their faces!!! when John's colleague volunteered to help us take a pic, the group of guys covered their faces when my camera was being used!!! ARGH! SELFISH, what is wrong with having an antique camera?!)

the ever cheeky KH & PC, the adventurous HT & guess who we saw at Suntec?!! JOHNNNN!!!! so happy to see him after so lonngg!! I remember him as the easily bullied gl for Borus! but his "sotong-ness" makes him super KE AI,like me, hurhur.

John's colleague, Chia Seah, who happens to be my choir senior too!!! my gosh,the world is indeed small!!

The whole night they kept suan-ing me and my HUMONGOUS camera! Hmmph, and when i was catching up with John and Chia Seah, guess what they did?!!

Jap Boy - #1

KH - #2

PC - #3

King Man- #4

Sporty Yanni - #5

HJ (my work buddy & Yanni's bf, they look super cute together!) - #6

HT - #7

MJ - #8

Eric - #9
Me: "Eric, you look like an epileptic!! That's not NINE! lol"

John - #10!! (woots!)
and presenting to you the ULTIMATE RETARDS! who's fave hobby is to.....

and of course, the organiser! ME! :)))

The BRUNO couple! Jap boy looks good in this pic, lol. it's a pity they're turning gay. hahaha.