my present! a chanel 2.55 bag...lol, i wish....can u believe this is a cake?!! my gosh. it looks too good to be eaten. well, if you can't have it, might as well....eat it?

an adorable piggie :)

the grad trip guys!

look what we saw! a picture of santorini, what a lovely conicidence...ah, i miss the days when we could just wander around in awe of the surrounding beauty.

Gelatissimo....how is that how it's spelt? love the cute lil' cones they use...utterly useless but asethically pleasing, there's no comlaining.

Left to right: Val, Ben, Joanne, SC!

group shots :)

Ben hogging onto the BIG cone, while Val looks "sadly" at her own tiny one. haha.

testing out the G11, i wanna get that camera!!

Have you been to ION recently? Do you remember the gorgeous and HUMUNGOUS christmas tree parked right outside the mall? Well, this pic was taken right inside and i hafta say, the inside was even more stunning than the outside...it's also such a romantic place to be in, at like 3am, when there's no crowd constantly fighting for your breathing space that is....lol.
22nd BIRTHDAY...a fraction of a moment...
a day full of surprises:)
1. had a pleasant surprise when i saw a beautifully done birthday card with birthday blessings from my colleagues and right at the back were pictures of my zilian self (-_-"). CXM and GAY went surfing FB for my profile pics and stuck them at the back of the card for all to see, lol. and CXM had the ingenous idea of declaring my height to everyone. *faints*
2. received a bouquet of flowers with a tiny bear inside while i was at work, forgot to take a pic of it though...lol, i should really go take one before the flowers wither and die... but i think they already did...eh, sorry wp! lol. promise to take one good shot of it...soon.
3. after lunch, ta bao-ed lunch for my buddy, HJ...and unknownst to me, he'd invited addy and wp to my office! Surprise is an understatement.
"What are you doing here?!!"
Addy and WP, "We work here"
-_-""" haha, but i was v happy to see them amidst my busy work schedule
4. Then...CXM and GAY came in with my Mango, almond cake from cedele :) i wonder if they knew that i don't like chocolate cakes. lol. But horror of horrors, they invited my mgrs, my entire batch of AH to celebrate my birthday for me...gosh, so pai seh...i can never stand being centre of attraction, no matter how zilian i may seem. and wp!! i almost wanted to strangle you for bringing your DSLR and tripod,my gosh, i'm not a superstar, there's no need for event shots.
But other than that, i was really happy and thankful for everyone who came down for my birthday. Special thanks to the organisers, HJ, CXM and GAY.And thanks Addy and Wp for coming down.
5. at the end of the day,HJ passed me a gift from a buncha ppl from my batch....a Ukulele! whoa. I was really touched, honestly, i haven't known all of them for that long or that well, and to receive anything from them is really...i guess it's really nice. and a sorta affirmation that i'm bonding well with them or it could just be HJ getting all of them to chip in (which is probably the case, but it's the thought that counts!). And i thought the ukulele was pretty cool, i mean Jason Mraz plays it, with some effort and determination, i'll play it too!....of course, with ukulele lesson 101 with buddy HJ that is.
A youtubby vid of wade playing the ukulele (if you have no idea what a ukulele is):
6. as for CXM & GAY, they got ppl to chip in $$$$ as my birthday present, they wanted to get me a voucher but we're in the midst of peak so they didn't really have time to get one. So i got money instead :) which is more useful in a way, cause then i get to use it anyway i want to! $_$
7. and the most extravagant birthday gift to date. an 64GB I-Pod Touch! with travel charger, apple ipod touch casing and a mirror (haha, long story)! and whole lotta effort unwrapping and solving crazy cryptic codes! Madness really.but lotsa effort put into it :) Thanks a million really! i've been wanting one for ages...and ages in this case means....erm, 2 months? lol. never expected my wish to come true that quick.
9. Diva necklace from church mates.Thanks everyone!Andthanks Char for picking out the beautiful necklace despite being in the midst of A level! Let's go out for a celebration once everything is over!
10. Aldo Necklace from my longest pal ever, BEAT!after months not shopping for accessories, i suddenly have 2! so happy! my fetish for accessories has been neglected for wayyy tooo long. Thanks for the DOME birthday treat too, love ya gurlie!
11. and last but not least, thanks to everyone who gave me well wishes! You know, when it boils down to just one thing, one thing that i really want, that would complete my birthday...it would be the simple joy of receiving birthday blessings from people i care about. And that's all that matters...to know that i have loved and am loved in return. that is truely a blessing in itself! God Bless everyone and i love you all so, so much!