the deathtoll of yet is unknown but it is expected to be the worst natural disaster of its kind in centuries in the Western Hemisphere...

words seem inadequate to express the sorrows, especially of those who have lost their loved ones, their homes...
let's all keep them in our prayers.

Troubled souls don't lose heart...
May God take away the burdens of the place & be with the Haitians in this time of need.

Dear God, even though i have not even the remotest relationship with any of the Haitians, i can feel the pain and suffering of the people, and i am certain these emotions are 1000 times exemplified in Haiti itself.
Please Lord, take care of these people and bring peace to the land. Restore the country and calm the people in these desperate times.

thousands of homeless seeking for refuge.
for the rest of us out there...
Treasure your life, live every minute like its your last. You don't know how lucky you are.