Thursday, January 14, 2010

a night out.

(all shots taken with my trusty canon g11, no photoshop done, just a crazy tweak at the ISO. love my trusty cam so much, till death do us part.)

A trip to the esplanade,
2 rounds of monopoly deal,
A bowl of tom yam fish stick noodles,
And a B rated movie ("Did you hear about the Morgans?"),
This about sums up my wednesday night.

"The whole world is moving and i'm standing still."

i believe there is beauty in everything, that is why i love photography. it's my way of taking a snapshot of that second of beauty and transforming it into a catalouge of all things beautiful in my life & the world around me.

Life isn't about the number of breaths you take, it's about the number of moments that take your breath away. i want to capture all of those moments so that i will forever be reminded of what life has to offer, what God has given me & what i have when all i can think about are the things that i don't.

p.s. thanks to those who have shown concerns about me. i guess i was just having a lot of negative emotions and i needed a channel to vent my frustrations. it was a lousy moment . but don't worry, i haven't had much time to mope around, been keeping myself busy & channelling all that negativity into something productive. i actually managed to strum to Jason Mraz song. whoa. i should be emo more often. kidding.
Jason Mraz does wonders for the soul.