this blog will (for once) be pictureless...
because i have not had the time to upload pictures nor take pictures for that matter...
but i just feel too grateful today that i had the urge to blog at...yes, 3.30am in the morning...
just wanna take this time to say that i'm feeling really blessed to have so many (in my opinion) people sending me birthday wishes this birthday.
not all of them are close friends, some could be acquiantances, but it's still nice to know that you're remembered and appreciated.
and more importantly, the purpose of this post is to thank all my colleagues/buddies/friends at work and my dearest mentor.
i truly felt really appreciated and blessed by them today.
i always felt kinda like the odd one out in my tiny little cubicle.
i'm not exactly the witty kind of person who immediately warms up to people.
i've always just led a life doing whatever i think is right, i am no good at bootlicking, nor do i know what i should say/not say (i just say what goes on in my head). in a way, it may not be the wisest approach specially in the workplace where a person's gullibility and innocence may be taken advantage of. but i try my best to live up to my principles of being sincere in my relationship with people and i believe that i have stayed through to that all the way.
and i believe that God has blessed that choice of mine.
today, i rec'd really BIG gift from my colleagues, they really must have contributed a lot :S
of course, it would be foolish to measure people's appreciation by the amount they contribute to your birthday gift. but i am still deeply grateful and thankful.
for an idea of what they did for me for my birthday...
for an idea of what they did for me for my birthday...
1) serena helped to pick out a big bouquet of pretty, pastel-coloured flowers and a balloon for me.
the receptionist called and told me to collect flowers from the 18th flr...
when i got there, i was utterly shocked to see a balloon attached to the flowers...
the first thought that came to my mind...
"OMG. how am i going to bring this back to office w/o being seen!!! SO AA!!"
and when i read the card, it did not state the name of the giver...
it merely said...
"Guess who?"
i spent the whole afternoon trying to figure out.
2) my cubicle buddy got me a ice lime tea too, haha.
i count this as a birthday surprise too cause his favourite hobby is probably to suan me, such acts of kindness is rare, lol.
(haha, actually he's not that bad. i'm just exaggerating)
i count this as a birthday surprise too cause his favourite hobby is probably to suan me, such acts of kindness is rare, lol.
(haha, actually he's not that bad. i'm just exaggerating)
somehow, everyone was being really nice to me today,haha. i could get used to this.
3) in the evening, wlin asked me to join her at the pantry to get some biscuits, by then, i already knew what was going on, it was reallly obvious (wlin would never ask me to follow her to the pantry to get biscuits! lol, she would just tell me to go get them myself, or she'll get them for me, place them at her desk and then ask me to get them from her table at the other side of the office, hahahha, but notwithstanding that, she's reallly very sweet cause she'll always inform me when there's new biscuits cause she knows what a terrible snacker i am) but i just followed along.
at the pantry, i found....
at the pantry, i found....
awfully chocolate cake!
i usually don't like chocolate cakes but awfully chocolate cake is the one brand of chocolate cake i can't resist! haha, expensive taste.
i usually don't like chocolate cakes but awfully chocolate cake is the one brand of chocolate cake i can't resist! haha, expensive taste.
and to top that off, i got bobby brown eyeliner and brush, 150 bucks worth of Capitaland vouchers and 50 bucks worth of PAZZION vouchers.
it didn't really hit me how much money must have went into the gifts until i actually tried to recall all the gifts i've r'cd.
k, i think i need to go sleep now.
will continue on when i find the time...
but before i go, just wana say that i am very grateful to my buddy who organised everything (must have taken a lot of effort!), to Serena who helped pick out the flowers, to Vicki for the shoe vouchers, to the rest of my colleagues for the monetary contribution and card and also to my mentor who has been so supportive of me and guided me throughout my 1+ yrs in the company. sometimes i feel ashamed cause i am such a klutz and sometimes bug her a tad too many times because i don't understand so many things. I really believe that it is God's grace that i am blessed with one of the nicest managers in the office as my mentor!