Celebrating my 23rd birthday...
1. at liang seah street with swiss gals
love the colour, thanks Jade! it's great to have such a fashionista gf, it gurantees nice presents every year. lol.
girl, you should totally try out a career in fashion, go be a stylist or something, you're definitely one of my most stylish friends!
you go girl ;)
and bestie, what would i do w/o you!
hahaha, but don't spend away all your money!
remember to save!
two pretty babes - yeanling & vien & my birthday card with jieshan look-a-likey on it. haha. it might have looked like me if i still had my fringe. but alas, it's all gone and so were the days of me looking like a small kid with the bangs and all.
my fave local dessert place - ah chew desserts!
2. at chc expo service with cell group
sweet lydia
lilian & lydia
the two lil' petite girlies in my cell group.
3. korean bbq with beat...sorry, no pics, realised i forgot to take pics in the midst of gobbling up the korean food at Kim's Restaurant @ Bukit Timah.
seafood pancake
beef ramen
the 15 side dishes that could well replace the dishes...
in its sheer abundance :S
Thanks beat for the belt and the wonderful korean meal :)
i love korean food, kimchi, seafood pancakes, bibimbab, bulgogi & all.
*licks lips*
whassup with the bubble tea craze?? Koi, Eskimo, Wulong, Gong Cha, etc etc etc...
office ppl (that includes me :S) are just gonna get fat drinking bubble tea every single day.
it's crazy.seriously.
every day, without fail, there's always a looonnng queue at all the bubble tea shops, the more famous brands in particular.
small pearls, big pearls, jelly, aloe vera, grass jelly, herbal jelly, wulong, ice cream, blah blah blah....the types of bubble teas, the varities just never seem to amaze me...
and that reminds me...
i haven't yet gone to ICE CREAM MAN @ HAJI LANE!!!
i have got to go there one day, according to my friend, the stall sells seriously weird flavours...
curry? black squid? spicy chocolate?
with estelle, james, samantha, celine, jian liang, jia yuan, ban ban, wan ting, yifang, fanghui.
it's been a long while since i've seen some of them. it's amazing how we've all grown from being the young adults who once played childish orientation games together to the successful individuals we all are now. citibank, pwc, kpmg, merill lynch, hsbc,etc etc.
i wonder what we'll all be like 10 years down the road...
imagine the kids...
introducing a new youtube star - daniel kim