Sunday, December 5, 2010


my interns came back for the celebration

it really is a joy to be able to be the buddy for so many batches of interns, i realised that despite the lost time spent in teaching & guiding them, i am truly grateful for the chance to be able to build friendships with them & it's really heartwarming when they start sharing personal stuff about their lives with you. that kinda trust that is established is hard to come by and worth treasuring.

 i wish them ( Chee Hui, Khai & Wei Shan) well in all their future endeavours!

my tomato-red face...i'm a dreadful drinker. this was just after half a pint of beer.

with the younger generation of associates & interns! gosh, getting oollld.

clement, MH & Celyn.

after the meal, went to catch RAPUNZEL with vicks & WL.


reliving my childhood days...

not that i know much about the story of Rapunzel.

all i ever knew about Rapunzel before i caught the movie was that she's a girl with too damn long hair stuck in a too high tower. that's it, that's about all the knowledge i have of Rapunzel.

and after watching the movie, i realised to my dismay, that the disney version of the movie wasn't even based on the fairytale.

cause never did Rapzunzel have superpower hair....
