Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Super Junior SS3

it was a rainy sunday.

but nothing was coming between me and my SJ concert.


but pleeaase...

i am NOT a fan girl.

it's 4pm and SS3 is about to commence, we can't wait!

i was absolutely thrilled for the performance especially since SuJu are known for their comical acts and humourous dance segments.

the deciding factor for me whenever i choose to fork out that 100+bucks for a concert tic would be how entertaining i expect the concert to be.

honestly, why would i want to pay a crazy amount of moolah just to hear something that i could probably get from a mp3/cd?

i chose to watch jason mraz live in concert twice, because he is just absolutely one of the best live performer with the amazing ability to charm and humour the crowd. of course, that's not forgetting his incredible vocals.

 and now, i'm going to watch watched SuJu, haha. i realised how different they both are, not only in terms of genre, but even language itsself...any how, the concerts that i've gone for was money well spent. except for....the westlife concert that i caught when i was in secondary sch. i will forever live in shame because of it:S

borrowed a trusty bino so i could make full use of my crap 158bucks side view tickets.

imagine how much they make from such concerts...

i should seriously consider quitting and setting up an entertainment agency, hiring all these good-looking young chaps to dance, sing, act, practically slave away while i sit behind a desk waiting for the moolah to roll in....

now that's life.

Donghae fans passing out glow-in-the-dark banners to support their idol,

kudos to all the effort put in.

and it just so happens that DH is my fave member of the group, albeit the lack of talent.

*reminder to self* "I AM NOT A FAN GIRL"

the concert finally commences and the lights dim out, revealing a stadium illuminated by the hundreds and thousands of blue light sticks.

the band dancing to one of their most famous numbers,


two members were then lifted off the stage, holding baskets full of balloons during the song "No Other"

sungmin flew over the audiences as the thousands of fans looked up desperate to get a shot.

Leetuk waving to the crowd.

Heechul joins in.

and they dance some more.

KyuHyun (not sure how to spell his name) performed a chinese rendition of a song...not sure what's the title of the song either, haha. you gotta hear to know.

he has gotta be the charmer of the night, with his smooth vocals and gentle mannerism.

EunHyuk, the rapper, dancer and joker of the group, danced a sexy number with a group of back-up dancers.

and that was when my sis (who insists that i'm a fan girl and she's not) said "Why got girlss??!!! I don't like!!!"

nearly died laughing.

Henry Lau from Super Junior-M then showed off his piano skills and danced to the tune of Justin Bieber's "Baby".

Loved it.

Check him out below.

kim ryeowook also sang a solo item titled "One Fine Day"...they are all just so talented!! Each of them  performed a solo item that night, showcasing all their talents.

Gone are the days of talentless boybands.

SuJu then danced to a old Korean song and dressed up in glittery costumes worthy of getai.

siwon waving to the fans.

hilarious shin dong! they did a parody to Beyonces' "Single ladies" while heechul did a rendition of Lady Gaga's "Papparazzi"

Donghae, Shindong & EunHyuk

EunHyuk could actually get away with his girly dressup, he has like hot legs that some girls out there who'd die for, hurhur.

but i wouldn't say the same for shindong.

all the celluliteee!!!

haha. but it was funny.



KyuHyun waving. For the first time ever, my sis, who happens to be such a cam whore, refused to help me take photos for me!!!

"I don't wana take photos, i wana touchhh (their hands)!!!"       

fyi, the stage design was really well planned out, the band members could go to all angles and get up close and personal with the audiences everywhere. and they would even be able to shake hands with fans from all over the indoor stadium.
KyuHyun sang a chinese song for his solo act! "Xin Bu Liao Qing"

and in case you were wondering, no, that is not me singing along. i stole this vid from someone on youtube.

it was really one of the best performances i have seen yet. okay, considering i know every single members' name, i guess to some extent, i probably am a fan girl.

but what the heck, this is definitely performance at its best.

the stage effects, the stunts, the comedy, the audience interaction, the videos played at intervals made the entire 3 hour long concert such a fantastic experience!