Heys! Kk, just came back from a boring project meeting where we tabulated figures for this simulated game that we're playing for my competitive strategy module. The game itself is kinda fun cause you get to design your product, market your product and finance your project through adjusting costs, selling prices, positioning of product and issuing stocks, etc.
Hmm, kk, it sounds kinda boring in writing, but it's really quite fun when you get your hands onto it, cause we're competing against 5 other groups for market cap and market share. The main point is what kind of module lets u play games instead of studying?! Nil, Nada, Zero. Well, lucky me then!
Oh well, today i'll just briefly decribe my snow skiing experience at crabbe mountain. I woke up in the wee hours of the morning, around 7.15am to catch the bus ride from the SUB at 8.30am. It took a bloody amount of effort to get up cause i was sooo tired. The bus ride took about 1hr up to crabbe mountain. And that day was particularly cold so i was wearing more layers than usual, to be specific, 3 layers(turtle neck, jacket and downjacket) on the top and 3 layers on the bottom(long johns, jeans, and water proof track pants).
When we reached there, we immediately enrolled ourselves for the 1hr snow school. And got ourselves the snow skiing equipments which cost a total of 68bucks(including the bus ride, lift ride, snow school). Cheap right! Me and Bee went to learn the basic techniques of how to move in the skis, how to turn left and right and of course, most importantly how to brake. Keaw went off to snow board cause she already knows the basics. Her Canadian friend taught her a while back while she was in moncton. Our hands were completely freezing cause we weren't wearing the right gloves and gosh, let me warn u, if u ever intend to ski or snow board, please bring proper mittens, your hands will SERIOUSLY drop off if you don't keep them warm. That's what happened to me and bee....no, our hands didn't drop off...OBVIOUSLY not...but they almost did(k, i'm exagerrating). Luckily the kind instructor lent us his nylon mittens or we wouldn't have wanted to conitnue skiing.
The entire day was really nice, we tried to ski at the bunny slope (exactly what the name sounds like--> slope for the amateur of amateurs, for those who would die sliding down a 5cm slope -_-") But there's one thing i REALLY want to complain, the lifts aren't those seats that carry you across the mountains, where you get to dangle your feet in the air, they were more like this:
Hmm, kk, it sounds kinda boring in writing, but it's really quite fun when you get your hands onto it, cause we're competing against 5 other groups for market cap and market share. The main point is what kind of module lets u play games instead of studying?! Nil, Nada, Zero. Well, lucky me then!
Oh well, today i'll just briefly decribe my snow skiing experience at crabbe mountain. I woke up in the wee hours of the morning, around 7.15am to catch the bus ride from the SUB at 8.30am. It took a bloody amount of effort to get up cause i was sooo tired. The bus ride took about 1hr up to crabbe mountain. And that day was particularly cold so i was wearing more layers than usual, to be specific, 3 layers(turtle neck, jacket and downjacket) on the top and 3 layers on the bottom(long johns, jeans, and water proof track pants).
When we reached there, we immediately enrolled ourselves for the 1hr snow school. And got ourselves the snow skiing equipments which cost a total of 68bucks(including the bus ride, lift ride, snow school). Cheap right! Me and Bee went to learn the basic techniques of how to move in the skis, how to turn left and right and of course, most importantly how to brake. Keaw went off to snow board cause she already knows the basics. Her Canadian friend taught her a while back while she was in moncton. Our hands were completely freezing cause we weren't wearing the right gloves and gosh, let me warn u, if u ever intend to ski or snow board, please bring proper mittens, your hands will SERIOUSLY drop off if you don't keep them warm. That's what happened to me and bee....no, our hands didn't drop off...OBVIOUSLY not...but they almost did(k, i'm exagerrating). Luckily the kind instructor lent us his nylon mittens or we wouldn't have wanted to conitnue skiing.
The entire day was really nice, we tried to ski at the bunny slope (exactly what the name sounds like--> slope for the amateur of amateurs, for those who would die sliding down a 5cm slope -_-") But there's one thing i REALLY want to complain, the lifts aren't those seats that carry you across the mountains, where you get to dangle your feet in the air, they were more like this:

Yes, BLOODY STUPID HAND PULLING THING...what the hell...and damn did it strain your arms, cause they move automatically and they don't stop for you to grab hold of them, you just have to time yourself and grab hard onto the levers. And then...WHAM...they'll pull you up the slope. Very, very strainous on the arms and on the back(you have to bend down when it goes to the highest levels cause the cables are lower to the ground at the top).
But the exhilaration that comes from going downhill is the most fantastic thing, the wind blowing into your face and you're out of control, sweeping down the white landscape. It's awesome, that is if you know how to brake when you need to, not like me. I fell face flat onto the pile of equipments that people left outside the shops. Ouch. Suppeeeer embarrassing. What happened was, i was so confident about skiing that i headed straight to the top of the slope right after my lunch brk, and having only had 1 hr of lesson b4 that, i couldn't quite remember how to brake. And that's when it happened, i went downhill and screamed..."Oh my G**" throughout. Sorry, i used the name of God in vain but i couldn't help it, i thought i was going to die. Keaw heard a voice screaming "OMG!!!OMG!!" and she turned to look, she realised it was me but she couldn't do anything cause what could she do? The one main rule to remain safe and keep others safe is to mind your own business, i was coming at 100km/hr, no one should bloody come into my path.
And then next thing i knew, i couldn't brake, even when the ground was nearly flat, i was still zooming at the speed of light. And then i saw it....the wooden bench right in front of me...luckily a quick move of mine to the right helped me to avoid colliding into the painful looking structure. Just when i thought i was safe, i saw the next obstacle...the wooden stand with the pile of ski equipments..."Oh shit, oh shit, oh crapz" was exactly what was in my mind at that moment. I wanted to swerve to avoid it but i saw the building behind the wooden stand and decided banging into a stand would be LESS EMBARRASSING than banging into the wooden house containing 50 people inside. Can you imagine if they thought it was an earthquake if i made an impact on the wooden house? To tell you the truth, I'd rather die than to find out. So i decided to fall back abit to lessen the impact of the collision, and yes, it didn't hurt as much as it should but my face went right into the skis and all of them came tumbling down onto me. A white lady beside me was like"OMG, ARE YOU ALRIGHT? ARE YOU BLEEDING??!" I looked up at her in a daze and said "OMG, AM I BLEEDING????" And the next thing i knew, a man behind me helped to remove my skiis, lifted up the pile of equipments around me and helped me up. SO EMBARRASSING.
I'll remember this experience for life and yes, now i'm all prepared to go ski dving. haha. Extreme sports? Piece of cake!