Errm, of course i'll have to take back my previous sentence if i do hafta take a bus down to St. John, cause i hardly know Keaw's roomie's bf...oh, what the hell...
I'm also gonna go Montreal and Quebec City during my March break! Can't wait, i'll be meeting up with alev, meric on wed to discuss about our road trip! I've checked out a couple of hotels there and hopefully i'll get to meet up with Cali at McGill Uni! I just booked my flight to Toronto and I'm hoping mayb to visit Las Vegas after the semester! Yay, the city of lights, sex, gambling and entertainment, woot! So many exciting stuff coming up, finally! After weeks of boredom and occasional highlights like snow skiing, hockey games, thrift store shopping, farmer's market visit to eat tasty samosas and errr...clubbing night?? Lolx, that reminds me, i have yet to tell you guys about my 1st clubbing experience in Canada! Can i just say...who says that Asians don't know how to party?! The clubs here are horrible, lousy music, can't really dance to it, and the club was pathetic compared to zouk...I guess it's unfair to compare a countryside club to uber-modern zouk..but still!

I went with my ex-roomie, Kendra and Jessica Prescott(my 2nd floor neighbour) and a buncha guy friends(if i remember their names, i think it was Dan, Ryan and Tom). Kate was telling us that Nicky Zees charge a coat check(fee that you hafta pay to leave your coats at the counter) when we go to the bars, so a few of them went out into the freezing cold without their coats(ANNDD...they were wearing even more skimpily than we were). So me, Bee and Tae Young decided to be cheap skates and left our coats back in our rooms too. We were all excited and took some time to doll up. Ang mohs here have the habit of drinking a few drinks before heading to the clubs to save money on the drinks, which is kinda ridiculous i think cause why would i want to get drunk b4 even reaching the place? Anyway, half of the people we went with were underaged and they had to bring along their fake IDs, in the end, Jessica and Ashton didn't manage to get in. So Me, Bee, Tae Young, Tom, Dan and Ryan stayed to dance. I drank like a cup of buttweiser(or whatever it's called, some cocktail thingie that was really nice) and another bottle of barcadi(or however u spell it, i'm lousy at alcohol names) and danced the night away, abit intoxicated already. Guys over here would just come up to you and dirty dance with you. One of them was particularly touchy, i had to swerve away everytime he tried to get to touchy-feely. Overall, i had a fun time dancing but after that was a different story. I felt really nauseated after the dance and i puked out some of the realllyyy expensive Chinese takeout dinner i had before clubbing. The freaking meal consisting of mushroom egg with beansprouts, chicken curry and fried rice cost us like 50+bucks SGD. WTH. If i was desperate enough, i might have scooped up my own vomit and eat it again just so i wouldn't waste my money. But then again, who am i kidding, i would NEVER do that, over my dead body. Both me and Bee weren't feeling too good after dancing, Tae could take alcohol, I guess South Koreans really DO DRINK ALOT. Kendra had like 6-9 bottles of beer, it's crazy man, the amount of alcohol people drink here, you would have thought the whole nation was filled with alcoholics...during events like the formals, people get so intoxicated, they get pulled away in an ambulance...and i thought that only existed in magazines.