March 2, 2008
I went ice-skating under the stars on the last night of quebec city trip. We rented skates for 6bucks and wheezed through the chilly winds of the march night sky. The skates were of terribly inferior quality, but for 6 bucks i guess we couldn't expect much. Beside the ice-skating rink, they were also selling snow and maple syrup(famous in canada). How do you eat it?? It's pretty gross actually... the shop owner basically pours hot maple syrup over a wooden box of snow, and you just wait till it solidifies and then you take one of the sticks provided to roll the maply syrup up into a twirl and there you go! People like to eat it with the snow :S (i accidentally placed my skates onto the same box of snow cause incidentally the shop also rents skates, so you can just imgaine how dirty the snow is, people just ASSUME that if it's white, it's clean...) The maple syrup sweet is similar to the "bang bang tang" we have in singapore, you know the ones they sell at pasar malaams?
and that's the shop! they have cones with maple syrup & maple butter in it. don't know who it taste like though, they're probably really really sweet :S probably get a few cavities after that.
March 3, 2008
the next day we walked around place royale, a street full of artsy shophouses and diners. we also visited the musuem of civilisation, don't have pictures of the latter though...well, not except for this...
haha, and you were expecting some decent pictures...

streets of place royale

look at the vines, creepy but really nice in a surreal way

NOT TO WORRYYY!! GUTSY ALEV TO THE RESCUE!!! (oh gosh, what the heck was she thinking??!!)
Nice lil' group shot at the museum...(ahem, i'm posting this pic only cause it's time for some pictures with me, lolx)
And then we headed off to montreal!!
Our hotel, Glamour Hotel & Suites was really pretty, it's marketed as a boutique hotel. It's small though but the theme colour of the hotel is red. Alev was estatic when she saw the room cause she luurves red with a vengence. Lolx, and so we went crazy taking pictures of our room.

For dinner, we had the
most delicious mexican food i've ever tasted at
3 amigos on St. Denis Street. But then again, this is probably the first time i'm eating at a mexican restaurant so i'm not exactly the food connoisseur here.
You see the huge glass cups?? It's pina colada, gosh, they're the most tasty beverages ever, EVER. mine was banana and strawberry flavoured with cherry and a orange on the side. *licks lips* and i had a taco with mexican rice, MAGNIFICIEEOOOUUNT!!
Okay, i'm getting a bit toooo detailed, lolx, i can't believe i'm actually describing the food i'm eating!! Lolx, i MUST be boreddd. But it really was super-duper yummy, please do give it a try if you're anywhere near montreal! After dinner, we went to a sheeshaw bar, it felt like an arabian brothel, haha. It had red curtains draping over the seats and wooden tables and chairs laid around and a small bar counter at the side. In case you were wondering what exactly is a sheeshaw, it's actually a water pipe. Look below...

There's a tube connecting to the
thing and all you have to do is inhale. It's not like smoking cause it doesn't contain tobacco or the 100000 other toxic chemicals inside a cigarette. Well, not unless you request for the tobacco flavoured...but we took double,double apple as well as peach flavoured. It's more like a herb in the form of smoke. Drink it with tea and you'll find that the flavour of the smoke in your mouth mixes with the bland tea so you'll get peach/apple tea or whatever flavour sheeshaw you're smoking.
Me trying out sheeshaw for the first time! Amateur, lolx.