The day before, i went to luvena's house for a nice cosy dinner consisting of really, really good chinese food. I ate sooo much yesterday! There was nasi lemak, pao chai, herbal chicken, beef rendang, fu jian dan, hard boiled eggs with sambal, sambal was pure heaven

very nice hor??!! machiam restaurant food!
Seriously, it's better than the chinese restaurants here, the food in Fredericton is H.O.R.R.I.B.L.E! I'm sooo satisfied now, can you imagine this is like my first chinese meal since....chinese new year!!! Oh gosh, soooo long ago! Luvena made arabian tea also, which she learnt online, it tasted very...ermm...unique, lolx, she added alot of things inside such as ginger, milk, sugar...

Group shot! (Extreme left: Bee, Ya-wen(Taiwan), Steven(Ya-wen's bf), Me(sitting down), luvena, Bilal(luvena's bf from saudi arabia) & not seen is bilal's brother, who was taking the photo shot
We smoked abit of sheeshaw too, this time it was grape flavoured with tobacco. There was a sorta exhilaration at trying out the sheeshaw this time round cause the water-pipe contained tobacco this time, meaning it was equivalent to smoking, which i've never tried before. And i guess it's the sorta feeling you get when you want to do something that you knwo you shouldn't be doing. It's the same feeling i got when me and my friends climbed over the school fence in SAJC in order to escape from school and the time when me, jess and sok walked out of class while Mdm Choo was teaching and also, the time when my JC mates and I covered ourselves in garbage bags and ran past the security guards who were standing guard at the school gate....lolx, now that i think about it, it seems like there were plenty of times i played truant.

Anyway, time for picture post, i just remembered i haven't uploaded the pictures in montreal!
the legislative centre in montreal
the basilique notre-dame (a basilique is a church that has been accorded certain priviledges by the pope, such as being a landmark where the history of the architectural style are recorded)
guess how many pipes there are in this organ(aka The Casavant-Frères organ)?
no prizes for guessing
it's an astonishing...7,000!!!!!!! (my jaws literally dropped to the ground after the tour guide told us)
I can totally imgaine the organist having like 8 arms to play the friggin huge organ, he's gotta be an octopus, i'm 90% sure of it, if not how the hell would a human be able to play an organ with 4 keyboards, 97 stops and 7000 pipes??! That's why they place the organ at the back of the church on the second level! Because the organist would have caused too much of a distraction! He could be an attraction by himself, the church could probably charge an extra $2 per person in addition to the $4 church entrance fee just to see the organist and his amazing 8 arms!
this is the more intimate chapel behind the church, it's called the Chapelle du Sacré-Coeur (Chapel of the Sacred Heart), where they conduct baptisim, marriages and other more intimate events. the huge bronze carving on the wall is a depiction of the journey to eternal life and the heavenly goal. People at the bottom of the carving are seen going through 3 gates, each depicting a certain period of life, birth, life & death. And on the top is a dove & the hand of God, which is the ultimate goal.
Interesting fact: Celine Dion's 1994 wedding to René Angélil in the Basilique Notre-Dame.