"Chasing Dreams"
i've been thinking of taking up a certificate course in interior design. i just checked out the different available choices for me and it's either a full-time degree course which would last 3 years or a part-time course lasting 20 weeks at NAFA, which of course would not be as comprehensive.
i want to seek out other career options other than accounting and i KNOW i've always wanted to go into design as i've always been convinced i'm more of an artsy person than a figures and numbers person. I want to try out something design-related and see if i'm suited for a designing career rather than being stuck in a mundane audit job. So lately, with all the amount of free time at hand, i've been considering signing up for the part-time interior design course to try out and see if i actually like it. And also if it doesn't work out and i really do end up doing accounting in the future, at least i have the assurance and comfort of knowing that in some point of my life i did try to follow my dreams and that it just wasn't right for me. I don't want to live my life knowing that i never tried to do something that i like and interests me, rather, i've just been following the practical and more "realistic" path. Of course, trying out comes at a price --> $1200....Or i could always wait till i start working and then enrol for a part-time certificate course, after which i can decide whether or not to change careers...
Oh well, anyway i'm gonna sign up for a personal make-up course at ACE CC, it's gona be a 2hr session every thursday night, anyone interested in joining me? It's 6o bucks for 4 sessions. lolx. A recognised make-up school would cost wayyy tooo expensive and there's really no such need cause i'm not aspiring to be some make-up artist, i just want to learn the basics and since i'll have spare time, why not?
Okay, gotta wake up to go for a photography seminar tomorrow and jap dinner at night *yay! sushi for 1 buck!* better go to bed now!
"The Black Balloon" --> I wanna watch this movie!! I love Gemma Ward!! I hope it will be released in Singapore!!