It's been a super busy week so i haven't really been updating. Went for 2 birthday parties this week to celebrate yeanling's, shiqi's and sean's birthdays. It's nice to see every one again, it's really been an amazing week and i'm glad that i'm getting my life back. Days of being cooped up at home all day long is finally seeing light and i can feel the warm, almost unfamiliar breeze of life easing back. It never occurred to me until now that i really do miss everyone back home, i miss hanging out in church, i miss my lovely swiss gang and i miss the awesome presence of God in my life. The accident killed a part of me but time has slowly taken away the pain and it's time to return to life before the accident. I want desperately to leave everything behind and be happy again.
I thank God for helping me get my life back on track and I really want to thank mryna for inviting me back to cell group on wednesday cause it'd really helped me open my heart and pour out all the frustrations that's been cooped up inside. I feel that God sent her as an angel to help get my life back on track and i thank God for blessing me with such a great friend. Thank you Myrna! I love you so, so much! And i love God too. I can slowly feel His presence, his familiar touch of love and grace on my life. I guess for a long time i've been numbing myself to His presence, but i really want to grow with Him now more than ever. Cause now i know that He has been holding me back from that cliff, pulling me and keeping me from tipping...
Oh, and i've already attended 2 sessions of the make-up course i mentioned about previously. My dearie elaine accompanied me for the lessons and i think it's well worth the money cause i think i did actually learn quite abit from the lessons. For example, i learnt what's a toner, lolx, and there's like a million steps to cleansing!! Okay, maybe just abt 10?? I also learnt how to find the natural arch of the eyebrows so i can save my 16bucks on paying a professional to pluck my eyebrows (yay!) and i learnt the different techniques of eyeliner application for different kind of eyes, etc...can't wait to learn more :)
Time for picture post!
Oh, did i mention??! My dad blessed me with a nikon d60!!! Muhaha, i'm gona go crazy taking arty-farty photos and ACT like an arty farty pro photographer!! I wana go haji lane, chinatown, little india and every ulu corners of Singapore and start snapping away!

Meeting up with peeps from church to celebrate the return of yanping and me! yay! And these are two of my lovely and pretty girls, yan ping and myrna!!
The lovely girls from church and a very, very wet sean! My church is filled with pretty girls hor?!! haha, number of suitors can queue to jb already, wahaha.

Birthday girl and guy! Shiqi and Sean! As you get see, they were both drenched from top to toe cause they were pushed into the swimming pool at Sean's new condo! He has like 5 houses la!! Omg, rich kid can! And highlight of the party were the cakes man, super yummy, best birthday cakes ever tasted! Okay, i'm biased, cause i happen to love cheesecakes and tiramisu! And whaddaya know they were both my fave flavours and from Hilton summore...hmmm, craving more of the cheesecake...*licks lips*
Haha, wet sean and gabriel trapped outside cause nobody wanted them near in case they came hugging us! Gabriel's super funny, he reminds me of a livelier version of my bro, haha. When he tried the champagne that Sean brought over, he was like "Eeee, what's this...." lolx. But he's a great guy nonetheless and we all still love him :)
Myrna, as you can see, i stole all the photos from that day from your blog, :S haha, cause i didn't bring my camera, anw, i want the rest of the photos too! Especially the videos from mel's camera of our "shi lian pai" or at least my desperate attempt at catching up with u and sean. I really must kowtow to both of you, u guys really are the king and queens of "shi lian pai". I must practice every night le! Next time, i'll not only be able to keep up with you two, i'll be able to do "er shi lian pai" too!! WATCH OUT MAN!! HAHA.
And as Myrna already mentioned on her blog, yes, i was superbly slow. When they were at no. 6 i was still at no. 2!!! faints. *sheepish*
But all in all, it was fun, and i love hanging out with all of them! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHIQI AND SEAN once again!!
---- I don't have photos from yeanling's birthday yet, i gotta remind myself to get them from jiesung :S