I'll miss all the other aunties at work who have showered me with so many nice goodies, offering me sour plums, potato chips & all kinds of tidbits during those dreary late afternoons when everyone just wants to sleep! I'll miss Linda, who has been very nice to me & given me soo many stuff to eat (very kind of her but not very good if you consider the after effect, haha) & Chong, who's so blur and kan chiong, my senior calls her "kan chiong spider", hehe. But i think she'd make a very entertaining gandma and she kinda reminds me of me, but hopefully i'm not as blur as her lar!
I'll miss super cute & "38" GH , who constantly provides source of entertainment to us, and offers me all kinds of slimming methods, haha. He's constantly advocating the use of sunblock and proper face care because apparantly the office lights contain UV. rays which can damage the skin as well! hurhur. Super farnie. He also loves to reminisce about his "peak" days when he used to have "Marie France" bodyline figure! LMAO! But it's fun having him around, i get to hear about all kinds of diet tips, haha, his latest attempt - eating low fat muesli cereals in the morning!
I'll miss the other interns, Sally & Darren, who left me behind corz they ended their internship 1 week earlier than me! They were the first people i could connect with corz we had something in common, having both come from NTU. Sally, the girl with the HUGE HUGE APPETITE, but VERY SLIM figure (jealous! y r all my friends like that and i put on weight just by eating veges?!grrr...) and Darren, the gym buff, who never fails to work out every single day and stays away from evil CARBOS!
Then there's K2 (the ah beng looking senior who turns out to be really nice & not ah beng, haha), K1(who has already left GBK), Alvin (the sensitive, politically correct, very very sweet guy who made cheesecakes for us!) & CY (the loud speaker & joker of the gang)!
And yes, i'll even miss my boss, despite all the bad rumours i've heard, she's been quite nice to us and treated us to Chongqing Steamboat for a farewell celebration! And my boss gave me ANG BAO in addition to my pay!! Yay! I'm a happy girl!
In gratitude for everything, i went to buy durian puffs from GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL, which are super super yummy lar ( the durian bits can stay frozen for quite a while despite leaving it in a non-airconditioned room) :

My seniors treated me for lunch at HUA YI KITCHEN at International Plaza! I eat Zha Jiang Mien, my first time, lolx, so shua gu! Their really the nicest bunch of seniors ever!

From left: top row (Shing Ran, GH,Hong Xiang, Bibi), bottom row (me (duh!), Chong, Eileen, Sui Lan)

In the 2nd pic, more ppl joined, my boss was out though, so no boss, lolx. Guy in blue: K2! Short guy(haha): Yin Kang!
My pretty senior was really,really nice too, she got me a duo eye liner from Paul & Joe!! I was really, really touched cause i didn't expect her to get anything for me. She's really become a personal friend of mine, and not just a colleague, thank you so, so much!
Me & my most fave person in GBK, my tax senior!

KK, I'm off to SHANGHAI for a week!!! They have banned access to blogspot :S So i won't be able to blog until i get back...so cya guys soon! will catch up with everyone when i get back! and school is starting soon!! ARHZ!! Aiyo...no mood to study...