You're a really strong girl, it pained my heart to see the pictures of the first few days after your op., I'm so very sorry for not being around when you needed care and concern the most! But I'm glad you're recovering fast, i don't think i would have the courage to undergo the same thing, i would well have chickened out before the doctors coud even lay a finger on me. You're looking better, don't be too bothered about your mum & sis's teasing, you'll be back to normal very soon, the swelling is reducing and even though you look very different now, you're still that strong, caring, funny & beloved bestie that i know! Heartz alwayz! Will visit you when i get back from Shanghai, in the meantime tahan a bit more k, maybe soon your mum might let you drink a bit of MOS milkshake :)
Oh, btw, do you want jason mraz's songs from his new album?? do you have them? I can send them to ya if you don't :) And do take the painkillers if the pain gets unbearable yar! Don't be so stubborn, if you hafta take it, take it.
Love ya! Take lotsa care, drink more, and i'll come over whenever i can so you wouldn't be so bored yar?!
24th July - Crystal Jade with Bee! Welcome Home!!
WELCOME HOME BEE(my roomie and confidante for 4 months)!! It was great being able to see her again! I've missed her and i am like super duper envious of all her travelling exploits!! It was fun hearing about all her adventures and i really do think she's the bravest and very very daring to be able to travel alone in a foreign land when there were hiccups during her trip in States! Bee, you've been missed! Thanks for all the yummy snacks from Japan and for the lovely hollywood keychain, arh, just a reminder of all the things i've been missing out on!
I had dinner at Crystal Jade with her today, ate my fave xiao long bao (which i bet i'll be having lots of it in Shanghai again,lolx) and shared wanton la mein with her. Yum yum, but very very full! We then went kai kai and shopped around a bit more, haha, you would think that she's already sick of shopping after spending nearly 1 mth in one of the most consumer-centred and shopping-crazy country in the world - Japan! But girls being girls, we're all shopaholics and the result of spending too much time on exchange, playing and spending money like there's no tomorrow? We end up spending even more! I wasn't supposed to buy anything, wanted to just accompany her to look for shoes but ended up getting one pair myself! I AM HOPELESS.
Oh well, it was nice meeting up with her again! Glad you're back!
2 more days to Shanghai!