Friday, August 8, 2008

shanghai (part 2)

hong kong & shanghai trip (continued)

let the pictures speak for themselves...


yes. i'm too lazy to describe.

at hongkong airport!

duck rice with veges and octopus(??) at Mei Xin Maxim! super good, as you can already tell, the rice was the best! fragrant with that right bit of stickiness that i absolutely luurve!

omg. my fave drink in hk, some milky thing with black sesame ice cream and gui ling gao...heavenly!

Xu Liu Shan!! HK's most popular drink store! it's like every where, literally. every street i turn, i'll see one store. it's not that awesome what...i think i could make it too. we tried the watermelon drink with bird nest and jelly. alright lar. everyone said that it's super good but i think it's just okay, nothing uber uber fantastic about it...

Messy streets of hong kong! street vendors selling their paraphenalia by the roadsides!

and my dad snacking AGAIN!! gosh. i hate going on holidays with them cause they're always always eating every few hours!! old people arhz, only think about food, sighs~

then we flew off to SHANGHAI!!

My aunt's house in Shanghai! Super nice & cosy! Very expensive too. it's a good thing, it's paid by her company.

the locals around the area. i didn't take these pictures, my dad got up in the morning to take these snapshots(fyi, i was still fast asleep on my -very very hard- bed). it's a good thing they didn't notice. i wouldn't be surprised if someone beat my dad up for invasion of privacy, lolx.

oh, and the sun rises at around 4+am in shanghai!!! it's crazy! i thought my watch was broken when i checked my watch and it was 5+am yet the sun was shining super brightly outside. for a minute, i thought i was dreaming.

we went to the supermarket at the nearby shopping mall!

Look at all the PAOS!!

And look how they make their noodles!! really interesting! Didn't try it though:S they added veges and walnut sauce and tons of other sauces. D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S.

And then there were ham ji peng & tau guas too...

Look at the ostrich egg!! it's HUUUUGGEE! the one in the middle!

Oh, and did you know, it's against the law for shops to give plastic bags to customers??!!! Some crazy law set by the authorities in a bid to reduce pollution!! But that means we had to bring extra plastic bags wherever we went and sometimes when we forgot to bring, we had to carry out items of purchase around, really really dumb and irritating. grrr. i am like anti-anti-pollution now.

we also went to the gu chen which was filled with old buildings, typical of the old china and several touristy shops inside.

Look at what we saw! A hole in a wall, and whaddya know! People gambling inside! hurhur.

and that's with kayden, my cousin's doggie!! soooo adorable! but he poos EVERYWHERE, even in my room!! i thought i'd die of suffocation.

Bu Xing Jie! And we also ate Beijing Peking Duck there!

Typical Shanghainese food, oily and saltish! but nice!

Taken near 2 of my fave places in Shanghai - Science & Tech Musuem (famous for illegal vendors selling fake branded goods) & Qi Pu Lu (wholesale market)!

After about a week in Shanghai, we headed back and made a stopover in Hong Kong once more, where we stayed in a run down flat right smack in the middle of tsim tsa zui. It was a hostel meant for people on tight budgets, e.g. backpackers. The owners bought over a few apartments and changed the area into a hostel concept.

hmm. the corridor looks creepy here. as though it was taken straight out from some ghost flick.

and then there was Langham Shopping Centre! with my fave store - H&M! i wish they'd realise Singapore's market potential and open a store here already!!