it was a simple night with us talking about life and well...ahem, girl's talk. i absolutely love spending girl's time with them! i love them muchx! Addy, the extremely-intelligent-dean's-lister-for-i-don't-know-how-many-years-running-already, and Farrah, the social butterfly and ultimate chiongster queen!

haha! us showing off our tongue rolling skills! we are the zilian queens, i remember we took sooo darn many shots at the back of wp's van after my performance last year...

haha! us showing off our tongue rolling skills! we are the zilian queens, i remember we took sooo darn many shots at the back of wp's van after my performance last year...
and well, just for nostalgic effect, i'm gonna put up some of the pictures we took after the "play on"concert last year...but just so i don't scare the nuts outta you, i filtered real hard and used only the not too bad ones, lolx...
we saw a really pretty Evian display while we were resting at subway...did you know that Evian spelled backwards is "Naive"? haha. food for thought. probably only naive people would spend more than 2 bucks on plain water....unless you're filthy rich like Paris Hilton, who can afford to feed your ugly chihuahua Evian water everyday. if so, you can probably bathe with Evian water for all i care.