i did an all nighter so i wouldn't be late for the children care centre charity event on christmas eve. because the care centre was in pasir ris and the whole event is at 9am, meaning i had to get up by 5am, get out of the house by 6am and meet addy, myrna & gang by 7am!!! we went there to play with the kids, sing xmas songs to them and basically interact with them. it was certainly a meaningful event and it brought a good start to christmas :) though i left my umbrella there!!! sobs.
to be completely spastic, i'm uploading B&W versions of the pictures.

they played the "fire, earthquake, tree, squirrel" game that i used to love when i was younger. i didn't manage to join in though cause i was helping out with the carolling. Jo played the guitar while a few of us sang xmas songs like Frosty the Snowman & my fave xmas song, Felix Navidad(though i'm getting sick of it cause i keep hearing it this xmas). i wished i had more time to spend with the kids though instead of practising the songs, but at least the kids enjoyed the sing-a-long session.
lots of us got stuff for the kids and i realise that getting the wrong gift will upset them more than not giving them at all. there was this particular boy who cried when he got a gift that he didn't like and the teachers allowed him to change presents.
And thanks Addy for coming down to help out!!!
we got these cute horses as souvenirs from the children care centre! super cute!! after the whole event, we headed down to downtown east for lunch and by then, i was abit groggy already. i needed to sleep badly and i slept on the train ride back home. I think i slept kinda unglamly cause i noticed that people were staring at me but i couldn't really be bothered, lolx. and there was this old lady beside me who kept talking to me, i couldn't remember what she was rambling on about about cause i was half asleep. i only remember the part where she praised me, i am sooo superficial. i can't stand myself. when i got home, even though i basically only had 1 hr before i had to leave the house, i totally knocked out and was late for my swiss girls gathering. -_-" so sorry for being late!
Anyway, had our swiss girls gathering at sushi tei cause most of us couldn't stay over. i like holland v for its less hectic crowd during xmas, but i kinda miss the old days when we went to hardrock cafe for our xmas gatherings cause there was more christmas spirit. we crapped about all sorts of stuff and i learnt more shocking stuff again, lolx, i never cease to be shocked whenever vien is around. we made such a din that the manager came over to tell us to keep our voices down. very embarrassing. but we suspect it's cause we complained that their waffles that day were too soggy and the manager was a tad pissed with us. hurhur. felt a bit bitchy to complain when they were already soo busy with the christmas crowd but can't help it la, the food standard really has deteriorated!
look at all the presents! and the photoframes i did for jess & jieshan, lolx, i like them alot alot that i wanted to keep them for myself!!
after that, we left for essential brews and met up with jackie. i haven't seen him since SA times!!! he really has grown more stylish and good-looking since sec school days but i guess all of us have grown out of our ugly phase in sec school, haha. i shudder to look back at all our ugly pics in sec school. i still remember Jo laughing at one of my sec school photos and saying that i looked like an auntie!!! arh!!! *faints* as we talked about all the ol' days in swiss, i realised i forgot practically 3/4 of what i did back then. maybe cause i was more quiet back then and left them to create all the havoc, i think i remember more of sec 3&4 days, partly cause i enjoyed the latter years more and mainly cause i have very short-termed memory( i almost suspect i might have mild dementia...that's why i blog most of what i do nowadays in order for me to remember events). when they started reminiscing about all the teachers and antics that we played during sec school, i couldn't remember half of what they said. :s but i did realise we were very mean to our teachers back then, a few of them left school or cried because of us. For e.g., vien was talking about a particular incident when Mr Wee entered their class after P.E lessons and the classroom stunk of all the bad B.O.
Mr Wee: "What's that smell? So smelly!"
Aaron: "What smell? Mr Wee, it must be cause your mouth is too near to your nose!"
Mr Wee: ".........."
omg. we laughed so hard after hearing it. the nerve. then there were the many times we locked our teachers out of the classrooms and ran out in the midst of lessons...we were really a "teacher's worst nightmare" back then.
at 12am, we decided to get out and start going around wishing people Merry Christmas but there weren't any crazy crowds outside! super disappointing, so i just went up to a couple and wished the partly shocked and unsuspecting girl, "Merry Christmas!". haha. we stood outside the streets for ages and ages before they finally decided on a place to hang out while i went home to get my much needed sleep.
Christmas Day 2008!
went for church service at jw with my sis, yan ping & winnie! the christmas drama production was fantastic as usual! very very farnie! saw jeremy there too :)