I wish i had more pictures of the other traps to show you all, unfortunately the photos cames out blurry but i'll soon be getting the collated set of photos from the others so i might be able to show you guys when i get the disc.

we got to try the kind of food that the cu chi people survived on during the Vietnam war. They ate tapioca, which is one of my fave food actually...i think i might do very well in war, haha. The woman had a bag of rice, which they would sometimes cook and mix with water in order to replenish their strength.But they had to be very thrifty in using the rice as that was all they had. a small pouch. not the kind which we see in supermarkets. duh

A typical Cu Chi woman with her black uniform.
We tried crawling through the tunnels and it was a terribly claustrophic experience, i had to literally go down on all fours just to get through, i would imagine the guys having a tougher time. Apparantly there were bats inside too, luckily i didn't bring a camera or any source of light with me so all i could see was pitch black.
That night, we couldn't take it any longer, our backs and legs were aching and so we decided to have a go at the foot and body massage! Yay! Sophie, Jonathan, WP, Steph, Addy & I went to get our much desired body massage. I got a male masseur while the rest got female, i was soooo scared he would break my bones or that i would get molested cause we were doing a full body massage and i was wearing my office skirt! But it went alright, he didn't break my bones nor did he try anything funny. In fact, i was laughing quite abit at the start cause i didn't know what to expect and it has been a long while since i did any massage at all.

I am a happy person after my massage!
4th day in Vietnam (3rd dec)
Guess where i went?!! No prizes for guessing. lolx.

Tiger DEN!!!! We went to the brewery, lolx. and it had this really cool pub in the brewery where the employees can chill out after a hard day at work, awesomeness.

Thien Kai, me, John & Yenni!! We were at the lecture room in the brewery, nice and cosy. Maybe that's why i fell asleep during the talk. lolx.
Look at the heineken bottles! I absolutely loved the display!
Look at the huge chambers behind us!

Me & John showing off our safety googles, haha.

CHEERS!! We got to enjoy free flow of tiger beer and snacks at the pub after the tour around the brewery. Cool right? haha. i kept eating all the yummy snacks and didn't really bother about the Q&A session that was going on. By the end of the trip, i was all flushed from drinking beer. i looked like a walking beet root. The worst part is that we went to the Vietnam university shortly after. my gosh. they must have thought that i was some drunk, hooligan student.

I thought the university exchange was one of the most interesting part of the trip as well. The Vietnamese were very hospitable and had prepared a whole lotta performances for us. I was very surprised by their openness and it was a very heart-warming experience. Though i must say that they seemed too over zeoulous at times. They never failed to mention their r/s status and always seemed to be trying to hook up some rich singaporean student(meaning us). it was kinda weird. especially this weirdo student who suddenly said," I like to play with myself. Any girl wanna join me to play, i will give you a good time!!" omg. my jaw literally dropped to the ground when i heard it. *shudders* me and mona looked at each other in utter disgust.

The girl in black is a Vietnamese student who's studying in an international school right now. She's very pretty and i think she's probably quite rich as well since she has a iphone, which i don't even have!

Then there's the awesome student cum part-time pub singer that we met that day! Van! The girl with the curly hair right beside me! I was like a dumbstruck fan in front of her, lolx, i was sooo excited to see her and we even arranged to go pubbing at night. she invited us to the pub that she sings at. gosh. her voive is the bomb. as powerful as kelly clarkson if i might say so myself.

And this is my cute Vietnamese guy! Owww! He's really cute and bubbly, lolx, i know it sounds wrong, like i'm describing a girl. haha. but his smile and joyous attitude is infectious! And when the group of us wanted to take a picture with him, he suddenly said "Wait! Wait! i wanna stand beside her(ahem, me)!" hahaha. i am totally gloating right now but at that point, i felt like i was flying into cloud nine. We took a picture together but i didn't use my own cam!! Arh! I hope the person who took didn't delete it from his cam!! i am sooo totally gonna slaughter the person who deletes it. not that i'll know who......
Acoustic Bar
Then that night,we finally visited a pub in Vietnam! Super nice! It's called acoustic bar and it's better than some bars in Singapore in fact.The audiences really get to be up close and personal with the musicians. I was very impressed by the fact that they invited some really old ladies to come up to sing. There was one lady who was probably in her 70s who went on stage and rocked down the house! It was incredibly cool. By that time, the whole group of us were pretty high and we decided to take up 1/4 of the place and dance like nobody's business. haha. even though it's a pub and normally, people don't dance in pubs. but we couldn't give a damn.
After the whole pubbing session, we were still high and the night definitely couldn't end there so me and steph invited everyone up to our room for an overnight partty!!