yesterday i woke up in the wee hours of the morning and went to pulau tekong for my brother's enlistment day! was supposed to meet jo & sean at 2pm to get my guitar but because the whole enlistment event was 4hrs long, i had to postpone it to 4pm. See! unappreciative brother! i sacrificed my sleep and time with my friends to follow you to some ulu island just to bid farewell when you'll only be gone for like what? 5 days?! machiam seeing him off to some school camp -_-"

we were brought on a tour around the bunks, rec room (there's a pool table & tv inside, really not bad, i wonder if they actually get to use it) & were constantly reminded that there was "24 hrs medical stand-by" and that everything was safe & comfortable for all the enlistees. honestly, the place looks quite nice actually, the bunks were quite comfortable too, better than the sofa i sleep on at home. hurhur. i wouldn't mind going to army too. on second thought, i'm joking.

And of course, tekong food! the chicken drumstick was Huuggee! but....not very nice. lolx.

My lil' bro!! He's a very reserved person, a complete opposite from my younger sis. But he's also incredibly smart(also a complete opposite from my sis, hurhur) and has a scholarship and all. I guess in the whole family, my parents are most proud of him, he really has brought honour to our family and his achievements(albeit nerdy) are countless. Sometimes, i do wish i could be more like him in the way that he always strives to be the best in whatever he does. He doesn't settle for being second best and that's why he's gotten where he is today. he's gotten top in the level for sciences so many times and won so many awards that the trophies are overfilling the cupboard. i feel abit ashamed that the only trophy i've ever gotten was for pri school sports day :s My bro may look nerdish, but he actually studies less than me and is always involved in his bridge games or busy playing his psp/pc. argh. this is soooo unfair. i want to be naturally smart too! After all, we share the same genes, it's not tooo difficult a demand to ask for right?
Sometimes, i do get frustrated talking to my bro cause his concept of a conversation is "yes", "no", "orh", "okay". one word sentences. apparantly, he doesn't like to talk to stupid people. yes. that's exactly what he said. what a snob. but he was just joking...i think. I know that in the end, despite his cold exterior, my lil' bro still has a kind heart. For instance, sometimes when i'm hungry, he'll leave some of his dinner that he bought for me. It's things like that make me feel touched. when it comes to my bro, you hafta look at the minute things to realise that..."hey, he's not such a bad person afterall!"
After pulau tekong, i went to meet Jo & Sean at peninsula shopping centre to get a new guitar!!!!! I FINALLLY got a brand new guitar, i am like the happiest person on earth now! it's a black takamine acoustic guitar. and i promise this time i will learn it to death. Sean also got his very first guitar and it's a maestro! i wish i had the money to buy it too. but i am cash tight. and anw, i loovee my guitar. Thanks to Jo for helping to test out all the different guitars for us! She was such a BIG help :) JO is my guitar shifu! haha.

we were brought on a tour around the bunks, rec room (there's a pool table & tv inside, really not bad, i wonder if they actually get to use it) & were constantly reminded that there was "24 hrs medical stand-by" and that everything was safe & comfortable for all the enlistees. honestly, the place looks quite nice actually, the bunks were quite comfortable too, better than the sofa i sleep on at home. hurhur. i wouldn't mind going to army too. on second thought, i'm joking.

And of course, tekong food! the chicken drumstick was Huuggee! but....not very nice. lolx.

My lil' bro!! He's a very reserved person, a complete opposite from my younger sis. But he's also incredibly smart(also a complete opposite from my sis, hurhur) and has a scholarship and all. I guess in the whole family, my parents are most proud of him, he really has brought honour to our family and his achievements(albeit nerdy) are countless. Sometimes, i do wish i could be more like him in the way that he always strives to be the best in whatever he does. He doesn't settle for being second best and that's why he's gotten where he is today. he's gotten top in the level for sciences so many times and won so many awards that the trophies are overfilling the cupboard. i feel abit ashamed that the only trophy i've ever gotten was for pri school sports day :s My bro may look nerdish, but he actually studies less than me and is always involved in his bridge games or busy playing his psp/pc. argh. this is soooo unfair. i want to be naturally smart too! After all, we share the same genes, it's not tooo difficult a demand to ask for right?
Sometimes, i do get frustrated talking to my bro cause his concept of a conversation is "yes", "no", "orh", "okay". one word sentences. apparantly, he doesn't like to talk to stupid people. yes. that's exactly what he said. what a snob. but he was just joking...i think. I know that in the end, despite his cold exterior, my lil' bro still has a kind heart. For instance, sometimes when i'm hungry, he'll leave some of his dinner that he bought for me. It's things like that make me feel touched. when it comes to my bro, you hafta look at the minute things to realise that..."hey, he's not such a bad person afterall!"
After pulau tekong, i went to meet Jo & Sean at peninsula shopping centre to get a new guitar!!!!! I FINALLLY got a brand new guitar, i am like the happiest person on earth now! it's a black takamine acoustic guitar. and i promise this time i will learn it to death. Sean also got his very first guitar and it's a maestro! i wish i had the money to buy it too. but i am cash tight. and anw, i loovee my guitar. Thanks to Jo for helping to test out all the different guitars for us! She was such a BIG help :) JO is my guitar shifu! haha.
me & my shifu! (picture is from tcc outing after chc carnival cause we didn't take a pic this time)

(Sean, the kbox king & Jo darling!)
After purchasing our guitars, i went to meet my OB group mates(estelle & wp) for dinner at soup spoon. i've been craving for the soup for the longest time!

Estelle's soo pretty right?! She's NTU hall 8's prom queen! haha, i know i keep saying that my friends are all so chio but i can't help it, they are! I haven't met Estelle since 2 months ago and i was very happy to be able to catch up with her after sooo long! I miss last xmas where estelle, audrey, wp & i would prowl the streets of orchard to camwhore :) it's too bad that audrey left NTU for good, we've been trying to contact her for the longest time but to no avail. it's kinda scary how someone can suddenly disappear like that. it's almost like she decided to erase a portion of her life from her memory...
Anyway, more camwhoring!!

haha, we look retarded taking photos in the mrt station. the girl, whom i approached to ask for help in taking the photo, stared at me in bewilderment as though i was some crazy Singaporean who's never sat MRT before in my entire life :s so embarrassing.

Us and our bread bowl mushroom soup!

After eating, we went to shop around for christmas presents and i saw the cutest hair piece from topshop, it costed a jaw-dropping 83bucks! for a piece of tie! but it's soo adorable, it's kinda what people in europe or australia would wear to a horse racing event.