went out with charmaine & shawn last week to shop. shawn wanted to get the checkered hoodie that she loved so much, so i brought her to the stall but the lady boss was such an ass, shawn decided not to buy from her. I can't stand rude shopowners, aren't the customers always RIGHT? it's a good thing we saw the same hoodie selling along the pushcarts at Far East! and it was cheaper too! Yay! we shopped till nightfall and got quite alot of stuff, especially shawn! hehe, it was fun and honestly, i prefer physical shopping so much more than online shopping even though i probably can get my stuff so much cheaper online but ya know, it's the company that matters! i'd be happy even if i didn't buy any thing :)
My dearest church juniors and i at pasta mania! before heading down to Gelare for yummilicious waffles!
Company Visit
Last friday, i went down for an interview for my group project. we visited a recruitment firm and the boss was lovely. she told us about business and taking risks. I found out from her that the hiring process is actually very stressful, there's irresponsible candidates who purposely miss interview dates or whose conduct are less than desirable, hence they must be very careful in their screening process, interviews have to be made more stringent and databanks have to kept of less credible clienteles.
I think the boss, Lilian, is an amazing and very respectable woman. I truly look up to her as a role model. Before she started her own business, she was an employee in a company and at the age of 44, she got retrenched. However, she persevered on and never let the circumstances overwhelm her. Instead, she decided to venture into the recruitment industry even though she knew nothing about the business. Lilian constantly learned through her mistakes and pick up courses and a diploma in HR even at her age!
I want to be someone like that in the future, someone who can take control of my circumstances and be empowered, someone who will have the urge to learn even when at the age of 50. Though the firm may not be very big but i am amazed at how an ordinary midde-aged woman could take the step of faith and get out of her comfort zone to venture into something so risky and unknown.
Dear God, let me be a woman of power too!
The interview dragged on and on cause we ended up having so many questions for her and Lilian even treated us to Polar cakes!! Super nice! We were damn hungry by then, we started eating the cakes during the interview, haha. Quite inconsiderate now that i think about it but ohhhh welll.
After the interview, i rushed down to meet Lilian no.2, another amazing gal from church! hehe.
Lil' Bro got 2nd at the Science Busker's Festival!
And last saturday, my bro got second in his science competition! whee! (though i kinda expected it cause my bro and his friend are such high achievers, they usually don't go into a competition if they don't expect to win something) The both of them won some contract with the Science Centre but he's in NS now so he can't sign it, lolx. oh well, at least they won 500bucks! Yay! I hope he treats me, though i highly doubt it...
Interior Design Course
Oh, and as i mentioned in my previous entry, i recently signed up for an interior design course and i went for my very first lesson last thursday. (because of it, i am also officially broke, NEED TO SAVE UP FOR GRAD TRIP!) The lesson was really fun, we didn't really manage to design rooms yet but we learnt to do orthographic drawings and i do believe i will enjoy this course very much! My classmates seem nice and they're around my age too, i got to know a lady called Charlene, who's a regional analyst and who used to work in EY. She's just 2 years my senior and she graduated from NTU too!! lolx. I'm so excited i signed up! It's gonna be busy busy from now on but that's my resolution for this semester: to make full use of my time to enrich myself and not just waste anymore precious time, i don't wana ever wanna end up looking back again and thinking that i never did the things i wanted to do :)
arhh! now if only the school will give my discount for the materials, it's gonna cost another 100bucks! omg. i feel like i'm digging a hole through an empty wallet.
P.S. just a few days after attending my interior design course, there was this trendy middle-aged man talking to Lilian at service and he was asking her, "Got any of your friend study design, ask them come over to my company!" and i was right beside her! and the spooky thing is i've been secretyly wishing i could meet this interior designer friend of Lilian ever since i enrolled for my course, lolx. God must have heard my tiny request cause it was too much of a concidence! Apparantly, he designs for alot of MediaCorp artistes like Chen Hanwei! cool! yay! at least now if i've got any queries about the prospect of a design career, i know who to turn to :)
Shopping at Bugis with church gang
went shopping with nathan, charmaine, liang wei, myrna and daniel on sunday! it was very crowded and i nearly died in the stampede in bugis village. fine. that's an exagerration. but honestly, i felt like the whole of singapore was there to shop for cny clothes! we went around helping Nathan find for new polo tee and hoodie. haha. quite farnie, cause we looked like 3 mothers shopping for their small boy's clothes.
There was this stall where we spotted this nice looking red polo tee and Nathan liked it too. He is damn cute when he bargains cause he has sooo many dramatic facial expressions, haha. i think the shoplady was at wit's end when the whole group of us started pleading with her to lower the price. thank goodness i'm not her, it would have been quite a scary and claustrophobic experience being surrounded and trapped by a group of persistent "cheapskates (cause we kept bargaining for just a $1 cheaper!)", haha.