i've done plentiful this week and last! Went out for HOTPOT CULTURE with my primary school friend, kx(who was my school bus mate back when we were young and puny. miraculously, we met again in uni and we both share a love for tax!)! Watched "The Tale of Despereaux" with estelle and wp, develop closer ties with my design mate(this really pretty viet gal whose super talented in baking, drawing, etc) over Ah Chew's dessert, met many people, went for late night suppers and finished up many reports! I am truly grateful that the tough run is finaly coming to an end, the work load is starting to lessen and my tax module is coming to an end! woots! it has certainly been a fantastic week.
I've never been happier(not really, but close, lol). and the irresponsible grp mates who i complained so incessantly about have miraculously become such a fun buncha people. i realised you've just gotta learn to work with their working style, they're a fun loving bunch who don't necessarily take initiative to do work but they do the work they are given. And they are absolutely the most hilarious group mates i've ever had, gosh, and a tad bit unruly cause they're so loud and reckless and love joking around with the prof and people. Amazingly, just recently, the v slack grp mate whom i couldn't tolerate actually volunteered to help out with my parts for our main report submission. i was really shocked but v grateful for the rare gesture.
i've been feeling this overwhelming sense of happiness recently. i'm feeling more empowered and you know, GOD IS TRULY GOOD. i'm not the most godly person if you know me well, but recently i've been starting to feel the goodness of God all over again through a few particular people. it's nice to see people who are so enthusiastic about the Lord and are always thanking the Lord no matter what the circumstances. i want to be able to openly thank the Lord in daily things too. i've never been the affectionate sort but i really wanna work on it, i wanna thank the Lord openly when He's blessed me, i wanna be someone who's encouraging and who can impact others. i want to be a BIG person with a BIG heart.
And i wanna take a little time to really thank Myrna, a good friend and spiritual leader, whose birthday we celebrated today (with 12cups of her fave tom yam noodles and 12 other tom yam related food, and of corz her fave ed hardy t-shirts!).
I've known her for 5 years now and she's really grown into a more empowered and spiritual person who can impact others in ways that few can. she loves people abundantly and really takes time out to care for others. i really wanna be like her, to be more openly affectionate and so deeply in love with God and all his goodness.
i've seen her really grow up these past few years and there's now an inner confidence and self-fulfilment exuding from her compared to 5 years ago. i think she is destined for greatness and to be a market leader in whatever she decides to venture to because of her strong character and her sincere love for people. now that she's become a cell group leader, i can tell that she really leads by example(using examples from her personal experiences) and is constantly encouraging towards all her cell group members, bringing them up for greater things.
Myrna, you're definitely an inspiration and role model to me! Thank you for all your encouragement and for the years of friendship. I've never been more grateful for such a good friend and now, spiritual leader! May you continue shining so brightly for the Lord!

our "tom yam" hamper for Myrna!
Ed Hardy Shirt! Woots! Totally suits Myrna and her penchant for the word "Rawrr!" lolx.
And there's our happy girl with her hamper, which she was kinda shocked at receiving at first, cause we pretended it was the only gift we were getting her. lolx.