Friday, July 10, 2009

in the mood for love

My buddy from hall finally got married! It was the best wedding dinner i've ever been too, not only because the place (Mandarin Oriental Hotel) was gorgeous, nor was it because the menu was friggin superb (scallop, king prawns, abalone, shark's fin soup with tons of sharks fin & scallops, cod fish & my gosh. chilli crab!!! wth. the menu was just screaming "$$$$" at me!), nor was it because the videos were so unique & cute (it featured a timeline from their parents down to them & quirky wedding shots) or that all my hall friends were gathered together (so nice spending time with them again!) but because i am truly happy for him. this is the first time i'm attending a close friend's wedding and i think there'll probably soon be more to come. i guess i could also connect more to this marriage cause i kinda offered him help when he wanted to propose to his wife. i also recognised the songs being played during the wedding ceremony because it happens to be the couple's fave song. things like that which i wouldn't ever know at other people's wedding, i noticed in this. they are such a cute couple together.

On a special note, KH's wife seems like such a wonderful and kind-hearted lady. I came to know that she has a god daughter who is suffering from cancer right now and despite having wedding preparations, full-time job & tuition commitments, she managed to set up a blog to raise funds for her god daughter's treatment. please visit to read more. her god daughter is so cute & it really is such a sad thing that she got cancer at such a young age, a rare case of cancer too. sometimes, life can seem so cruel. we really must cherish every minute of our lives. be thankful that God made us healthy and protected us so that we could grow to this age. never take life for granted because some people are just struggling to keep it. live life. love life. i pray Lord that He will heal the little girl. her mum is one strong woman, having brought up both her kids on her own.

and back to the wedding, PHOTOS!!

Sassy Lynette

The groom - our handsome pilot!

waitress serving as some weird watermelon cubes w ith jap octopus :S

Lynette, Hui Ting & Me

with yanni

(from left) our newly appointed photographer for the night, eric, with his very retro hairstyle that night. lol. me. huiting.lynetter.meijin

hall 16 girls!
our jap boy & KH's best man, masaaki, trying to act all serious & cool.

jap boy loves taking photos with me cause he says it boosts his ego (referring to his height -_-")

at the table, finally! waiting anxiously for the food...opps...i mean the bride & groom.

sword-bearing ceremony --> i wished i had a pilot groom too, so i get to have a sword bearing ceremony. lol. mayb i'll add that to my list of "potential husband" criteria. and that'd probably set me back another ten years from finding a husband, not that it doesn't already seem a distant future already.

haha, managed to get a shot of one of their quirky wedding shots. super kawaii la. there's another funnier one where KH dresses like a nerd! totally suits him. it's actually kinda weird seeing him act cool in some of the photos, lol. maybe i'm too used to him acting childish. we watched a video of how the girls sabo-ed them. they were forced into eating wasabi & chilli padi bread and sucking lime right after. they were then made to wear disposable underwears in public too. super funny.
even during the wedding banquet itself, KH was still not spared. he had to eat a raw egg & drink liquer. gross. along with other weird stuff. haha. his friends sure know how to sabo him.all for the sake of love i guess. haha.

cold dish - it had suckling pig, duck, jellyfish, prawns, silver bait. cold dish can't get any better than this. really.

Jorcelyn & Lynette


lynette, jap boy, kian boon, pc & sharon

time for the toast! YAAAAAMMMM SENNNNG!!! me & lynette were screaming our lungs out at the part where we wished them "zao shen gui zi"! hurhur.

me & lynette giving a toast! with a devilish grin from me, muhaha.

check this out - TIGER PRAWNS with wasabi mayo!! omg. pure delight.

table mates #1 - jap boy, joe & benjamin

Table mates #2 - PC, sharon, kian boon
annabel & me

we are all a buncha cam whores, we spent sooo much time taking photos of ourselves in all sorta settings and poses. wait till i get them from yanni!

Chilli crab!! when have you ever seen chilli crab at a wedding banquet i ask you??!!! when!!

abalone & vege

finally, KH & J making their rounds around the tables :P i loved the wedding gown! it was a gorgeous shade of midnight blue. J designed it herself :)

More CAM WHORING :) our trademark.

all the girls combined!

a group shot of the NG family & Loh family. KH never mentioned that his brothers are soooo good-looking! my gosh. his youngest brother looks like Rain during his FULL HOUSE time! he's the one in the vest. what a looker. and as SR might say "i'm such a cougar".

me: "who is that hot guy??"
jap boy:"oh. KH's bro"
lynette: "haha, what happened to KH???"