Sunday, July 12, 2009

steamboat delight

Went for an extra service yesterday where AR Bernard preached about faith. Faith doesn't just involve the spiritual, but we hafta have reasoned trust in the Lord (go through a process of reasoning before we trust), how do we gain reasons? through the Word of God. through personal experiences we gain faith. faith must connect with us intellectually, emotionally & volitionally too.

we then went for a heavy lunch and ordered tons of food. super full.

not such a good move.

cause last night i had....

JC GATHERING @ crystal jade holland!!

Buffet! i think i ate too much, my stomach hurts quite badly now. eek. ate too much for lunch & too much for dinner.

sarah & sompong

with Cyrstal

Kelly,me & myrna

with jie wei, ben (this is the first time i've seen him in a long while! he's sporting a hippy look these days, with his long hair!)

jw, ben & justin

sompong, marcus & timo

all the s63 guys attended the gathering yesterday!! wow!

always love hanging out with my JC clique, they're e funniest buncha ppl :) we've come a long way and we've all really grown up since, some of us girls have graduated and are going out to the working world. you know, soon...we'd be marrying, becoming papas & mamas, buying our own apartments, haha, and maybe till that day, we'd still meet and our conversations will revolve around our work, our children, our family, our car, our gosh. scary. and what a weird thought.


my stomach hurts.

shan't blog anymore.

will post pics of uni gathering on sat soon.

it's been a week of gatherings. secondary. jc. uni.

maybe if luck was on my side, i'd even have a primary school gathering. lol.